
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 -JG 6

G’mar chatima tovah 5775 - גמר חתימה טובה

Shavua Tov!
 We hope everyone had a deep and meaningful Yom Kippur.

Ciò che sento 
non è traducibile. 
Io mi esprimo meglio 
con il silenzio.


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

besides the Sheikha and I sharing the same plastic surgeon(smiles)....we also share the same
taste in water,,,and the same of no plastic....only evian water in crystal bottle and crystal
glasses......I rest my case..........

EVIAN in crystal bottles ...the only way to drink water, is in crystal bottles and crystal glasses....no plastic, YUK.

yes, you know the routine....never plastic cups.....

Daphne rules............she does.......

look todo preto,-all black........
Black is always elegant. It is the most complete color in the whole world, made of all the colours in the palette.

Molto megglio dei sesso....


Blouson en cuir ? Check. Marinière ? Check. Lunettes de soleil rouges XXL super classes ? Check.
Le mix parfait !

Rive Droite ou Rive Gauche ? Rive Droite

Musée du Louvre ou Musée d’Orsay ? Louvre

Croque Madame ou Croque Monsieur ? Croque Madame

Macaron ou Chouquette ? Macaron

Monoprix ou Monoprix ? Monoprix ou La Grande Epicerie du Bon Marché, bien sûr.

Is Jeremy Scott a good Fashion Director or a clown???

more new iPhones to add to my collection............

Gummy Bear Breast Implants


"Smart girls are the overthinkers, the insecure ones, the different ones. They know what the real world is like. They analyze every little thing in life. Why? To avoid getting hurt. To find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all the problems. They think too much. They trust fewer people. Their insecurity proves their respect toward themselves. Of course they try to live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls know their worth. Now those are the ones worth keeping by your side."


Puerto Ricans often call the island Borinquen, from Borikén, its indigenous Taíno name, which means "Land of the Valiant Lord". The terms boricua and borincano derive from Borikén andBorinquen respectively, and are commonly used to identify someone of Puerto Rican heritage. The island is also popularly known in Spanish as la isla del encanto, meaning "the island of enchantment".

It's all about the attitude. "All the time, you see people wearing the most expensive labels in the world, and everything is on top of each other, but at the end of the day, what is the difference between the woman who looks good and the woman who doesn't? It's not how much she's buying, it's not how expensive it is, but how confident she feels when wearing that piece. That is what makes the difference and that is what you can see in her eyes.

smells like heavenLy luxury....or if shatoosh had a smell, it would smell this way (smiles)

Are today's captains of industry – the wealthy and powerful figures who control the digital universe – any different from the ruthless corporate figures of the past?
They are just as............

Don't envy the Victoria's Secret Angels because they look like they look. You should envy their will because a body like that is maintained with a lot of work at the gym and outside the gym(liposuction)

Doutzen Kroes at VSFS 2013

lest we forget those who have spent tons of cash on their breast implants for them the pearls serve as an excuse,
to have people stare at their chests...not that the pearls are needed  -but it is an front.
two nice and perky ones from top plastic surgeon Adam Searle, who is particularly handy at perking things up.

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Josephine Skiver one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits

Bella Hadid x Robert Riley Jeans

Peplums & Natalia Vodianova


Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress. Coco Chanel ;)

When you go to an exclusive restaurant you should always dress up. Jeans or mini dress is not considered appropriate dressing. Make sure clothes are ironed and have a good fit.

- No elbows on the table
- No car keys, mobile phones or small purses/clutches on the table. Order a seperate chair for your purse or ask the waiter where you could put it so it’s not in the way.
- Sit up straight, don’t slouch or treat the chair like if you’re at home.
- Don’t take pictures of your food.
- Don’t chew food and cut a new piece at the same time. Finish chewing, once you’re done you can go ahead and cut a new piece.
- Never reach across the table to get something, always ask someone politely to pass it for you.
- If you have a runny nose, always go to the bathroom to blow your nose, never in front of the table!
- The guests should always order first and the host last.
- Fast eaters are considered having a bad etiquette, so slow down if you have this problem.
- Always thank the waiter after any form of assistance.

paris fashion week tutle

Whenever I think of Paris Fashion Week, I can’t help but to be reminded of the Devil Wears Prada. Particularly when Paris is depicted at night. The film then transitions to fashion designers making their cameo appearances, and the runways are lit up by the flash of photographers cameras. The scene makes me daydream, I just want to pack a luggage full of a parisian inspired wardrobe, fly to Paris, hotel at The Ritz, and sit front row at Chanel. I’d probably even adopt sunglasses as a new HG after being blinded by the flashing cameras, but that’d be a small price to pay (while in reality this is wistful thinking). But this dream will have to wait, as Paris Fashion Week has come to an end, but don’t worry there are still many street style images to look at to keep you entertained. Most of the looks featured are of the Russian Fashion Pack, so you will see the outfits Ulyana Sergeenko wore, to Vika Gazinskaya and even Natalia Vodianova. Aka the scene stealers. (Update: just added a stunning photo of Ulyana Sergeenko in red)

Elena Perminova 


Ulyana Sergeenko 

 Anya Ziourova


 Vika Gazinskaya


Miroslava Duma
Moncler Gamme Rouge  : Front Row - Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2015

Natalia Vodianova


The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee (ABL)

Lee Pheungboonpra6

 meet the patron saint of designer bags, Donya Lee Pheungboonpra she has more Birkin bags than anyone in the world.....Hermès loves her

a little take on Japan-日本,

 The first greeting you usually learn in Japanese is often お元気ですか? o-genki desu ka? which corresponds to "How are you?" (although it can be more accurately translated as "Are you fine?"). The reply is はい、元気ですhai, genki desu (Yes, I am fine). 

Among the many Japanese words and phrases that have fallen by the wayside of late and become shigo (obsolete), gaijin komupurekkusu (foreigner complex) is certainly among the least missed.
"Foreigner complex" referred to the attitude and behavior of some Japanese people who nurtured, for one reason or another, an inferiority complex toward certain outsiders.(mostly Americans)



I do not want to rain on anyone's parade but after you are thirty years of age you should no longer buy the expensive beauty creams that are over the counter ie in fancy stores: Bergdorf, Saks, Barneys just to name a few.....you need to get them from Doctors(plastic surgeons) or Dermatologists who specialise in beauty and are licensed to give you stronger creams and potions.
However this products are very good for over the counter.......

[foto de la noticia]

El cirujano de las 'celebrities'. Enrique Monedero -"Cobro las primeras consultas porque así me quito de encima a personas muy frívolas"...The Plastic surgeon of the celebrities in Spain....Dr Enrique Monedero .."charges for consultation, so this way,  he can get rid of the frivolous"

A face lift, when done correctly, should:1. Allow for patient recover with little or no discomfort/pain
2. Not require patient to wear a bandage after the first day.
3. Require only minimal incisions, which should be virtually undetectable, once healed
4. Pose minimal risk.Risks are greatly reduced through the use of an experienced, Board certified surgeon and surgical staff, including a Board certified anesthesiologist.(and done with local anesthesia)
5. Allow patient to wash hair on day 1, walk outside day 2 and be able to drive and resume exercise in a week.*
6. Be long-lasting.
7. Look natural.
8. Eliminate jowls to reveal a perfect neckline and neck.Again, this is the tip off area many doctors don’t spend enough time on. The neckline should be smooth but not look pulled or unnatural.
9. Incorporate fat grafting when needed to address the fat loss that occurs with age.
10. Be performed by a world-renowned surgeon.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned    HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Single girls need Manolo Blahnik  to make the walk a little more fun. Sheikha Mozah apparently has the same affection for Manolos.  Sheikha Mozah was a vision at the Bastille Day parade last year. She was wearing red Jean Paul Gaultier couture and paired with red Manolo Blahnik Raspberry Tayler Patent Pointed d’Orsay.
Head to toe perfection.

Sheikha Mozah in black Christian Dior Fall - Couture heels.

looking at the Sheikha's a...

Mugdha Godse



Rigged: The True Story of an Ivy League Kid Who Changed the World of Oil, from Wall Street to Dubai


Miss Universe Pageant coming to Miami....that is great...

In 2015, past winner Gabriela Isler, pictured above, the Venezuelan goddess that took the crown last contest, will pass down the role of Miss Universe to her will-be successor. Miss Universe not only takes on the role of looking amazing, but is also responsible for all the good works that past winners have done for communities around the world.
We can thank Donald Trump for putting these shows together by tuning in and watching the event go down January 18, 2015 at the Trump National Doral Miami on NBC.

hair....fabulous hair....big hair

required measurements for couture models and Rtw models
Usually like 32-23-34
(EU) 81-58.5-86.5

Mar perfeito, sem filtro!!!

regata de seda: Fernanda Shammas

short jeans: Forever 21

lenço de flores: Moschino

sandália de oncinha: Steve Madden

bolsa: Balenciaga

óculos: Marc Jacobs

American Apparel (NYSE AmexAPP) is a clothing manufacturer in the United States. It is a vertically integrated clothing manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer that also performs its own design, advertising, and marketing. It is best known for making basic, solid-color cotton knitwear such as T-shirts and underwear, but in recent years it has expanded—to include leggingsleotardstank topsvintage clothingdressespantsdenimnail polishbedding and accessories for men, women, children, babies, and dogs in various prints and colors.

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

as soon as the Yom Kippur fast was over....my celeb Japanese friend and I broke the fast here...
she of course is not Jewish but she was game to fast with the Goldsteins....

a special Cartier scented candle....soft lights...soft music and perhaps a beautiful intelligent girl by your side.....

 to scented nights and fabulous finds 

you all come back

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy
for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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