שבוע טוב Shavua Tov!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
This weekend I slept in the Sukkah and it is good as it remind us of how our ancestors and
the conditions they had to endure as they made their way to Israel.....this weekend I also had Dr Fred Brandt do Botox on my face.....really turned out nice.....and my eyes are already open but Botox helps...my celeb Japanese friend also did Botox and as you know orientals have droopy eyes, so her eyes perked up(smiles)
Modélisation -French for Modelling...
Your first love isn't the person who you first dated or who you first kissed or
who was in your first relationship with you or even who you first said I love you to.
Your first love is the person you'll always compare everyone to, the person you'll
never truly get over, the person you 'll always remember when you talk about love,
the person who made you see love in a different way.
one of my favorite looks for Miss Universe....Rathy Menon......
who was in your first relationship with you or even who you first said I love you to.
Your first love is the person you'll always compare everyone to, the person you'll
never truly get over, the person you 'll always remember when you talk about love,
the person who made you see love in a different way.
one of my favorite looks for Miss Universe....Rathy Menon......
I love her bubbly personality and her beautiful ethnic looks, everything looks good on her.
WOW.....She writes beautiful songs and she sings much better......
New iPad? Apple invites media to Oct. 16 event
Cristiano Ronaldo celebró gol bailando el ras tas tas con James y Marcelo
gummy bear implants


I know you probably think that it is horrific....but there is little pain and then the results if with the right surgeon, are great...........

So when people say that poetry is a luxury, or an option, or for the educated middle classes, or that it shouldn’t be read at school because it is irrelevant, or any of the strange stupid things that are said about poetry and its place in our lives, I suspect that the people doing the saying have had things pretty easy. A tough life needs a tough language – and that is what poetry is. That is what literature offers – a language powerful enough to say how it is.
It isn’t a hiding place. It is a finding place.
لا أَحدَ درَسَ خُطُوطَ يدي
إلا واكتشفَ حروفَ اسْمِكِ الأربعهْكلُّ شيء يمكنُ تكذيبُهْ
إلاَّ رائحةَ امرأةٍ نُحبُّهاكلُّ شيءٍ يمكنُ إخفاؤُهْ
إلاّ خَطَواتِ امرأةٍ تتحرَّكُ في داخلنا
إلا واكتشفَ حروفَ اسْمِكِ الأربعهْكلُّ شيء يمكنُ تكذيبُهْ
إلاَّ رائحةَ امرأةٍ نُحبُّهاكلُّ شيءٍ يمكنُ إخفاؤُهْ
إلاّ خَطَواتِ امرأةٍ تتحرَّكُ في داخلنا

I have raved about this iTunes app....you can listen to the whole world....all the radio stations....I would like to share a few of my favorite radio stations.
103.4 fréquence K - Nice-France
90.7 FM Love Radio-Manila Pilipinas (I love Papa Jack...great DJ on late night, Asian time)
La Mega 97.9-NYC
106.7 Radio Italia
102.0 FM radio Tel Aviv
Classical Piano Music-Tokyo 古典的なピアノの魔法
Kiss FM Rio -Rio de Janeiro
Marina FM-Radio Kuwait
103.5 FM- El Monstruo Musical-Santo Domingo-RD
my style....my clothes......
Thanks to AliBaba's Jack Ma or Ma Yun....his ipo was a big winner.....I bought
at 5 dollars and sold at 99.70.....not a bad days pay as Gordon Gekko would
excusez-moi - no plastic cups(smiles)....but really,it is not classy....not kosher...only ceramic....only crystal....
this how it should be.....
and by the way the Most Exclusive—and Elusive—Eye Cream Ever is coming....more later....


This is how fast life is passing us by.....Carpe Diem!!!!
Been there done that........
thigh gap

no thigh gap

Minissha Lamba one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits
This dress was the “it dress” within the summer 2014.
But that doesn’t mean it’s now dead! Not at all! I keep on seeing it everywhere and I love it.
Such a beautiful dress, it sucks your stomach in like crazy and giving you that cute yet sexy silhouette.

Claire Courtin-Clarins s’habille bien.

The gorgeous Natasha Goldenberg is effortlessly rocking my the sweater of the moment with another favorite: the red midi skirt! She’s also carrying the season’s covetable Celine clutch. Of course, only one of the Russians can rock that oddly shaped beanie like she’s doing.

Coat, Stella McCartney; Hat, Eugenia Kim
It’s the queen of fairytale fashion in a really chic all black look complemented with nude accents whilst in the Tuileries during Fashion Week.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

I finally figured out why the forums call her ABL. it stands for AstroBoy Lady! Here she is again, amongst crimson-lipped ladies with her dusky lilac velvet dress and shocking orange matching shoe-and-Hermes Bolide combination. Don't forget the gigantic jewelry and Astroboy.
All hail Lady Lee.
a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a category of four-syllable (or four kana) words used in Japan that are so loaded with meaning they boggle the mind, and I found they were quite fun to study and use. First is せっかくsekkaku (seh-KAH-koo), which carries the implication of having gone to great trouble to do something for someone only to have them not appreciate your efforts. Another fun word is やっぱり yappari (yah-PAH-ree), which means "just as I thought" or "as I expected" or "Aha! I knew you'd be trying to peek into the girl's bath!" When you learn something that surprises you, you might use the phrase なるほど naruhodo, which can be translated as "wow, I didn't know that" or "I see your point," and in a TV drama, a police inspector might mutter this to themselves as a signal to viewers that he'd found another piece of a puzzle. Finally there's とにかくtonikaku (toh-nee-kah-koo), which just means "at any rate" "regardless of that fact" or just "anyway."
Dr Veronique Simon
"I simply don't believe in over-corrected, obvious interventions, Everything I do is about sculpting without surgery, about making women look a more beautiful version of themselves"
explains Dr Simon
explains Dr Simon
The Rejuvenator combines LED (Light Emitting Diode) Therapy with massage and Dr Simon's Rehydrating cocktail, a bespoke mix of super hydrating and skin-vitalizing ingredients that penetrate deep into the dermis through electroporation to stimulate collagen regeneration, and to leave the complexion "more rested, firmer and plumper, immediately and for up to six weeks..." explains Dr Simon.
SimonTherapie is an anti-aging skincare collection that supports these benefits, respecting Dr Simon's rules of anti-aging:
"Exfoliation, fighting free radicals and hydration are the key rules to fabulous skin, whatever your skin type or age... I couldn't find products that delivered the optimum results and met my standards, so I created them"

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah in Dior couture~~Fabulous ~!


somehow Jay Z ruins this pic...

I am not a fan of the Kardashians but Khloe seems to be the nicest....she is way too
heavy but.....to many this is:
Seriously, just try and look away!!
You could not?! Me neither
You could not?! Me neither
Donning a fierce pair of strappy heels, a black blouse, and accessorizing with a giant silver statement bag, hoop earrings and aviators, Khloe, 30 looked every bit the bombshell
After lamenting her recent weight gain, Khloe’s been hard at work at the gym lately as evidenced by her multiple gym selfies on Instagram, and gave a clue on one way she’s possibly achieving her standout derriere.
check what she wrote on her Instagram, she is absolutely correct on this one!
Love this girl’s energy and personality, you go big-booty-girl

She has all the proper face angles.....
The Brogue… When Flat Feet Are Fabulous

clemence poesy by tierry lebraly
When flat feet are fabulous… I am taking about the brogue.
Sometimes a fashion season is on our side.
This autumn/winter is one of them.
The flat is back with a big flourish and in particular the man style oxford or brogue.
Buckles, laces or tassels… it doesn’t matter… the brogue is masculine and more importantly comfortable.
French women have often favoured a brogue… with a tailored suit, with their jeans or with a skirt and oversized sweater.
A great look for work or play.

every woman should have a black leather jacket whether from Balenciaga or Zara..

kol hakavod -כָּל הַכָּבוֹד-beautiful music: such talent!!
Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital
Forty students from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance took a classical approach to the flashmob as they flashwaltzed Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers at the new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower in Jerusalem. Doctors, patients and passers-by joined in the fun.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775