Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I am...........a
Halloween is around the corner and the orange I like to see is this one(smiles)

but really this is nice too..............
Halloween is just around the corner. Celebrate the holiday with this sexy Hanky Panky Trick or Treat Original Rise Thong.
in many ways the entire (Victoria's Secret) brand exists to create an illusion of the perfect woman.
mix mix
-chan = friends, being friendly
-san = polite (what you would say until you are more friendly) -dear ....dearest like the italian "cara mia"
-sama = to show extreme respect
Louis Vuitton Celebrating Monogram

Attention women please, the new minis are here.
They’re high waisted and make your legs look super long. They’re worn like in the 60’s (just in case you hadn’t noticed, there is a pretty strong 60’s revival) and this is how they’re going to be worn on the street, or let’s say, for women with normal legs and normal life with a lot of commuting included, with a good pair of reassuring tights (ew, metro / taxi seats)

Daddy Yankee ft Jowell y Randy - Bailando Fue
It’s all about black tights

That Pretty Woman Dress is Back, and It’s Selling Like Hotcakes

gummy bear breast implants


for women , in the real world -what is the perfect weight?
115 pounds = 52.1631226 kilograms or
125 pounds = 56.6990463 kilograms
Science et connaissance, art et anticipation - les deux couples qui se cachent bien des choses, mais quand ils se comprennent rien au monde ne les surpasse.
my beautiful addiction

This is my type...for sure.............

Tellement de choses ont changé dans le monde des magazines.
On les lit différemment, on les achète différemment, on s’en débarrasse différemment (???).
Il y a beaucoup plus de magazines de luxe et d’art qu’avant (pour la plupart, des indépendants) et beaucoup moins qui sont drôles, intelligents et ne se prennent pas la têt
Je me demandais ce que vous vous lisez en ce moment ? Est-ce que vous êtes accro à un magazine ? Vous les consommez comment ?
Delicious mikan (oranges) from the hills of Kinashi, Takamatsu.

An Israeli lollipop that helps you lose weight

And I subscribe............
Been there done that......
thigh gap
no thigh gap

Britt McHenry one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


Grey over knee boots by Stuart Weitzman are on many Jet set Babe legs this fall! The “highland boot” is probably the “it boot” this season!
We have covered the black over knee boot being a success this season, but if you feel like going a different direction - Grey color it is!

I can’t get over how ridiculously amazing Natasha’s hair is here. It reminds me of where models apend a day at the beach, where they let the water of the sea become your new stylist, tousling your hair.

( You can also put your hair into a top knot, swipe on some mascara and this look becomes a bit more polished.)

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

THAI-CON: Lady Lee Pheungboonpra

Completely Nuts. Devastatingly Fabulous is her collection of Hermès and Louis Vuitton
And she always is a blinged-out, rigidly perma-coiffed(a la Imelda Marcos), intoxicatingly dressed, Hermes-crazed supernova and is my new obsession of Mozaproportions! Stay tuned...lookwise she is not Shiekha Mozah
a little take on Japan-日本,

Some creative words the Japanese use include meganist, a word for lovers of meganekko or girls who wear glasses, ユニクラー ("Uniqler") for someone who buys all their clothes from Uniqlo, and "vipper" (from the English word VIP), the "alpha" users of Japan's ubiquitous 2ch BBS who collect posts into summary sites

Before eating, Japanese always say 頂きます itadakimasu, which is a very polite way of saying "I receive this," a Buddhist phrase which is essentially thanking the animal that died so you could eat its meat. In the final days of December Japanese will do 大掃除 oh-souji or "big cleaning," making sure their house is cleaned from top to bottom so they can enter the new year with a clean plate, and sure enough, this tradition evolved from the custom of cleaning the local Buddhist temple for New Year's. Finally, the Japanese word for a contrarian who doesn't like popular things or who goes out of his way to appear aloof around others is あまのじゃく amanojaku, and it turns out this name comes from a Buddhist deity who is basically a devil known for finding out what people are most interested in then tempting with it, for his own mischievous enjoyment.
Shown to reduce sunburn cells for up to 97%

Skin Care G-ds

Clockwise from top left:
1. Dr. Gervaise Gerstner
2 Dr. Fredric Brandt3. Dr. Bradford Katchen
4. Dr. Amy Wechsler
5. Dr. Ava Shamban
6. Dr. Dennis Gross
and five of them are JEWS

Prof. Dr Ivo Pitanguy
Ivo Hélcio Jardim de Campos Pitanguy (born 1926 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)) plasticsurgeon based in Rio de Janeiro.
Pitanguy studied at the Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati, where he worked with John Longacre. Soon after, Pitanguy went to France and England where he studied plastic surgery.
and this is a nose done by Dr Ivo...if you don't know than you don't know.....
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah Giambattista Valli wardrobe....
The Sheikha blows Naomi contest..........



Giovanna Battaglia, W magazine contributing Fashion Editor, Vogue Japan Senior Fashion Editor,the ever so chic editor , in New York during NYFW. Her impeccable sense of style is so unique and identifiable.

”Women in Hollywood Issue“
For many, autumn means new boots, new Starbucks latte flavors, and of course, new Netflix films. And if you're a French film junkie, you're going to be très content with the fresh selection.
Besides their current French hits like Blue is the Warmest Color and The Intouchables, plus classics like Amelie, Netflix just added some contemporary French films with major critical praise
American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles....sweat shop free......

Look Praia....

Tel Aviv is a beautiful place — beaches, architecture, people and more. And the world is taking notice. The city’s Gan Hahashmal scored second place on Thrillist’s “Top ten sexiest neighborhoods on Earth,” list losing out to only Rio De Janiero’s Ipanema neighborhood.
Old City of Jerusalem: keffiyeh and tallit on sale side-by-side! Coexistence
Incredible Harmonica Version of Israel’s National Anthem
One of the most amazing renditions of Israel’s national anthem, Hatikva (“The Hope”).
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775