
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 45

✡ Shabbat Shalom ✡
שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!

Challah Time.

Eat Kosher!!!!!!You will live longer!!!

I notice everything. And by everything, I literally mean everything. I notice when the way someone talks to me starts changing. I notice the little things that people do, and the little things they used to do. I notice when things change, and when it’s no longer the same. I notice every single little detail. I just don’t say anything.


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

I often wonder who is on the other side....who reads the Tidbits???...I know the world
has come on board....USA is sold out...Europe is totally sold out....India too....South America and Africa almost too....and so many other remote places that I wonder how they heard
of my blog....is it by someone recommending it...is it by chance???? nevertheless
I am grateful that I can retain your attention and have you return on and on......
Arigato to the celebs...the models...the friends and acquaintances and to those who
do not know me but like how I write this blog........

And while speaking of the world....all the world beauties are descending on Miami this week
to get ready for Miss Universe Pageant....I love to see so much beauty all in one place.....for
the next 20 + days Miami will reign as the Captital of Beauty in the World...

Miss Universe 2014, will be the 63rd Miss Universe pageant, to be held on January 25, 2015 at the FIU Arena at Florida International Universityin Doral, Miami, Florida, USA. 88 contestants from all over the world will compete for the crown. Gabriela Isler of Venezuela will crown her successor at end of the event.
The winner of the pageant will get to wear the new crown made by Diamonds International Corporation, a Czech based jeweller, the newest official jewelry maker of Miss Universe.

one of the most important sponsors of the Tidbits also wishes you well......


Some beautiful things, places or persons that I like.......

It was the 12 Days of Prada

It was the 12 Days of Prada for this rich teenager.

Why bother bundling up for the winter when you can jet off to an island in the sun?

Why bother bundling up for the winter when you can jet off to an island in the sun?

Oh sure, just your average family home.

Oh sure, just your average family home.

Christian Louboutin heels average about $750 a pair. You do the math.

Christian Louboutin heels average about $750 a pair. You do the math.

 plenty of high-fashion gatherings.

And plenty of high-fashion gatherings.

Jealous, yet?

Jealous, yet?

Sheikha Mozah used to buy Jean Paul Gaultier couture by the dozens. Normally from one collection at least three pieces were taken by her. This black dress/suit was from the Spring 2006 Couture collection. She is an absolute diva in this, it is sexy and modest at the same time. The pink chiffon top made it even more pop and unique. Watch and learn Princesses.

this is still one of my favorite all time dresses.............
Tom Ford zipper back dress edition

LadyBOOM ♚ on We Heart It.

Kloe now looks like JLO with her "new face" don't you think?

What is wrong with this pic?....the plastic bottle...Evian water only in crystal bottle and crystal glass..........

How do models see themselves???

They spend their lives being molded into someone else's creative vision, but how do models see themselves?

Check out Victoria's Secret: 2014 in 60 Seconds here:

gummy bear breast implants.......


Miuccia Prada La Più Ricca Del Reame Picture

Sarò un po’ impegnato.$$$$$$$$$$

How does it feel to be 
one of the beautiful people
Now that you know you are

Gekkou」 鬼束ちひろ「月光」- Moonlight

Okay look now. I am Lady Lee of the rising sun. Lacquered hair, lacquered face, lacquered lips, lacquered nails, polished bling. Do I need to alert you to the fact that the only thing that keeps my skin youthful and smooth is to wear a jet cloth of the finest velvet from time to time? Do I need to tell you that I will top it with a necklace the size of my gardener's family home? No. Because I'm Lady Lee and you already know that, plebe.
G-d, I love this woman!

Lee Pheungboonpra6

and yes all that collection of  Birkins and LV bags belong to her

 C'est plus chic comme-ça."

Voltaire philosophie

                   François-Marie Arouet -(Voltaire)
“If you see a Swiss Jewish banker jumping out of a window, follow him” (Voltaire)

bien sûr


 ...they wear BLACK

a little Hebrew.....a little Yiddish

Bas/Bat Mitzvah - A girl who has reached the age when she is required
to fulfill certain mitsvos (commands, obligations).

chutzpah - audacity/utter nerve

Gai avek! - Go away!

G-d - The 'o' is left out for religious reasons.

goy - non-Jewish person
goyem - plural of 'goy'
goyish/goyisha - not Jewish

I am throwing out this question to girls????

Do you sometimes look at a girl walking down the street and she will be simply dressed and yet so chic it makes you want to dash home quickly and change into a matching outfit or something similar????

Figure this out.....of course you can ............

This observation might not be understood by many but it makes sense....here are my thoughts:
I have mentioned this about MB....if someone dropped you off in MB and did not tell you where you were you would think you are not in USA.....Spanish dominates this city....and yes, English and Creole were the other languages up to the last two years but now-specially around Bal Harbour, Sunny Isles and Aventura....the domination of Spanish is there but now  Brasilian Portugese and Russian are very present.
My favorite place in MB is  the Bal Harbour Shops and you cannot go more than a minute without hearing Brasilian Portugese and Russian....and again, here too, Spanish dominates....so, I rest my case

Been there done that.........

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Michelle Jenneke one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic




more tidbits

Ulyana Sergeenko is the crowned Russian queen of fashionable ladies and the most high-profile figure of the so called Russian Fashion Pack, Russian Mafia or the Czarinas  (the core members of which are: Miroslava Duma, the daughter of a Russian senator and editor of a fashion and style site - Buro24/7; Vika Gazinskaya, a fashion designer known most for her numerous geometric hairstyles and Elena Perminova, a model and the wife of Alexander Lebedev, a former spy for the K.G.B. that is now a banking magnate and owner of The Independent and The Evening Standard of London newspapers - more on them later).  

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"New Year Merit Making 2015"

a little take on Japan-日本,

Have you ever been curious about how writing in Japanese works? Well, I'll give you a brief overview. Japanese has not one but three writing systems: hiragana, for expressing basic Japanese words and grammatical particles; katakanagenerally used for expressing foreign words or names; and kanji.

One word you can get quite a lot of mileage from issugoi (sue-GO-ee), which means "amazing" or "incredible" and which can be used just about any time you need to express awesomeness. Then there's daijobu (die-JOE-boo), which means "okay" or "alright" and is generally one of the first words a per. Finally, the word naruhodo packs a lot of meaning into those four syllables, essentially expressing "I see" or "that's right" or "what a brilliant suggestion, you have changed my viewpoint 180 degrees."


some of  the best transformations of celebrities that went under the knife.

A face lift, when done correctly, should:
1. Allow for patient recover with little or no discomfort/pain
2. Not require patient to wear a bandage after the first day.
3. Require only minimal incisions, which should be virtually undetectable, once healed
4. Pose minimal risk.Risks are greatly reduced through the use of an experienced, Board certified surgeon and surgical staff, including a Board certified anesthesiologist.(and done with local anesthesia)
5. Allow patient to wash hair on day 1, walk outside day 2 and be able to drive and resume exercise in a week.*
6. Be long-lasting.
7. Look natural.
8. Eliminate jowls to reveal a perfect neckline and neck.Again, this is the tip off area many doctors don’t spend enough time on. The neckline should be smooth but not look pulled or unnatural.
9. Incorporate fat grafting when needed to address the fat loss that occurs with age.
10. Be performed by a world-renowned surgeon.

plastic surgery (facelift)  is to restore a more youthful face but more important is to have a Dr give your face a natural appearance, not a pulled and stretched tunnel look.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah and Stéphane Rolland are a match made in heaven. This sensational black and white couture gown was one of the best. It has a fantastic story as well, Stéphane Rolland told Vogue UK that “We were given just five days notice to create this white silk crepe gown for HRH Sheikha Mozah’s appearance at Matignon during the Qatari royal state visit to France

Sheikha Mozah of Qatar

She looks great in any color scheme.....of course my favorite is when she wears all black....



S Moda May 2012 Irina Shayk by Alvaro Beamud


Four B's
Barneys, Bergdorf, Bloomies, & Bendel!





Four Bs women should possess or try to: Beauty, Brains, Body, and Balance. 

Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.

Top-notch men want a woman with brains.

Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body

Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.

Toda mulher adora um look todo preto, né? Eu amo!Geralmente o “pretinho básico” é simples, chique, clássico e elegante, mas ele pode ser também ousado, sexy e até bem dramático!

and the look would have been much better with brown or beige shoes....?

in·sid·i·ous [in-sid-ee-uhs]
1. intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan.
2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy.
3. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: an insidious disease.
Samantha Gutstadt Actress Samantha Gutstadt attends the "Insidious" Premiere during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival at Ryerson Theatre on September 14, 2010 in Toronto, Canada.

Insidious and she was much more in the film "dream lover"

while on the subject of Dream Lover, here is a real kind of dream love from the past


!!!! Las guapas viajan gratis!!!!... ¿ ¿ ¿pero a que precio????

Bobby Darin wrote this for Sandra Dee , yes, the Sandra Dee that was mocked by the "pink ladies" on the film "Grease"


1) Shampoo Smooth Down – Formulado para lavar suavemente os cabelos extremamente secos e rebeldes

2) Máscara Smooth Down – Máscara de tratamento nutritiva

3) Heat Glide Smooth Down – Sérum alisador protetor com ação antifrizz

4) Fazer a escova!

'Beverly Hillbillies' star Donna Douglas is dead at 82; R.I.P. ...

Besos y otra vez, como 

dirían en Méjico.....A sus ordenes!!!

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...