שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov!
We hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat and wish you all successful week ahead.
Good morning the Universe!! all the beauties are arriving!!!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


Sunday afternoon at the beach, Miss Rathi (Menon) is enjoying the sun and the sea. Only one more day before she enters the Miss Universe pageant at the Trump National Doral. in Miami, where the 89 delegates will spend 3 weeks competing. (finals on January 25th).

PixelArt Transformation Of Miami and Miami Beach
Aaaaaah, les chignons !!!
my favourite thing in the world is pretentious FAQ pages
”Compliment” Thanks, I can’t answer them all :/ :/
”Hate” Silence
Follow back? No.
Follower count? XX,XXX
Promote me- no, promote yourself......
And one of the reasons Mori Riyo won the Miss Universe crown in 2007 was because she had and has lots of kinben

l’éphémère possède un charme merveilleux, un charme d’une brûlante tristesse.

Perché la bellezza – e la moda che ne consegue – è cultura.Dello stile.
Dell’etica e dell’estetica.
Bal Harbour Shops earns $2,555 per square foot in sales, making it number one in the world.

Luxury retail catches up with Miami's billionaire boom.

لا أَحدَ درَسَ خُطُوطَ يدي
إلا واكتشفَ حروفَ اسْمِكِ الأربعهْكلُّ شيء يمكنُ تكذيبُهْ
إلاَّ رائحةَ امرأةٍ نُحبُّهاكلُّ شيءٍ يمكنُ إخفاؤُهْ
إلاّ خَطَواتِ امرأةٍ تتحرَّكُ في داخلنا
A smart girl wrote me the following short note: I feel like I know you
so intimately after going through
55 pages of your blog
Here’s a line I never thought I’d hear on Mad Men: “I’ve always thought Jewish women are the most beautiful women in the world.”
While Jewish themes have appeared on Mad Men since its first season, sometimes disguised, sometimes overt—but then, always in the context of the “casual anti-Semitism” creator Matt Weiner coined—it still seemed as if Weiner was carefully keeping his Jewishness in check

When you get Italian clothes or shoes and the label has the "made in italy" in them. For me it means
an attitude, a style of life, a point of view, luxury, The Best-this is my opinion. It may not be the best of times politically, but Italy is blessed to have such beauty: Naples, Rome, Venice, Parma, Bologna..Modena,Costa Smeralda, Milano and many more.
The pasta , the oil, of course the style and fashion. Italia has the best qualities and you wake up to a culture of beauty, individualism- and everyone's mother makes the best, most unique pasta: of course!! Also think about Ferrari, Buitoni, Cappellini, Berluti, Prada, Brioni-Missoni, Gucci,Armani....the best!!!

Miuccia Prada totally intrigues me. She has such an amazing eye and follows her own path when it comes to designing clothes. She knows how to surprise us and makes me look at clothes from a different perspective.
Louis Vuitton never goes on sale. Prada might put some things on sale but usually it is only the items that are not so popular.....And Gucci does sales too......

been there done that.....

thigh gap
a mini thigh gap...because she has thigh muscles

no thigh gap

Natasha Selivanova one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Tom Ford -Beverly Hills Flagship

It’s like you’re combining being dressed up with casual, giving that feminine but relaxed attitude.
As you can see below some friends and acquaintances are wearing mostly Christian Louboutin or Gianvito Rossi.

Soft, dreamy, romantic- are the three words that best describe Ulyana Sergeenko’s photo shoot, featuring Elena Perminova. Sergeenko’s designs are renowned for embracing femme details, soft touches, and are often inspired by vintage themes. Our Russian it girl is looking beautiful in Sergeenko’s flowy styled dress. Elena’s definitely glowing! (update I’ve added more photo’s from the shoot)

Always stylish no matter what she wears.............
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Throwback: Happy New Year 2015 To Everyone!!! From "Peepy 😎vsMinnie" 555

a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a category of four-syllable (or four kana) words used in Japan that are so loaded with meaning they boggle the mind, and I found they were quite fun to study and use. First is せっかくsekkaku (seh-KAH-koo), which carries the implication of having gone to great trouble to do something for someone only to have them not appreciate your efforts. Another fun word is やっぱり yappari (yah-PAH-ree), which means "just as I thought" or "as I expected" or "Aha! I knew you'd be trying to peek into the girl's bath!" When you learn something that surprises you, you might use the phrase なるほど naruhodo, which can be translated as "wow, I didn't know that" or "I see your point," and in a TV drama, a police inspector might mutter this to themselves as a signal to viewers that he'd found another piece of a puzzle. Finally there's とにかくtonikaku (toh-nee-kah-koo), which just means "at any rate" "regardless of that fact" or just "anyway."

this is one of the best reconstructed noses....Dr Ivo Pitangay.did this work of art
and here the Dr Ivo with one of his clients and re-creations, Tom Cruise........
Who: Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, one of the world’s most famous plastic surgeons.
What: The Restoring Formula cream, the latest launch from PreVious, a line of skin care products from Clinica Ivo Pitanguy in Rio.
Why bother: Let’s face it, Pitanguy is the man when it comes to repairing and enhancing beauty.
Vain Glorious | Pitanguy’s New ‘It’ Cream

$300 for 1.7 ounces.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
When it comes to glamour, we can always count on Armani.Sheikha Mozah was sparkling in Armani Privé couture from the spring/summer 2009 collection. The figure hugging two piece gown perfectly embodied the influence of the East and West, there is no one other than Sheikha Mozah can showcase this master piece of Mr.Armani.




To me the smell of fresh-made Caffè macchiato is one of the greatest pleasures....

Intimissimi is an Italian clothing label started in 1996 that specializes in bras, briefs, lingerie, vests, and pyjamas for women and men. Intimissimi clothes are sold throughout the world: Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece,Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, United Kingdom, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, and United States
a perennial favorite............

- 1.a ruler in an oligarchy.
- 2.(especially in Russia) a very rich businessman with a great deal of political influence.
some of Vladimir Putin's Oligarchs.....

IF you do not know who Mouna Ayoub is....here it is , on her own words....so do not kill the messenger(smiles)....
"As a Saudi wife I had it all.. diamonds, furs and misery; She wanted freedom from her husband's vast wealth."
THE ex-wife of one of the world's richest men has revealed how her life of luxury was a "nightmare".(there is always two sides to each story///this is her side of it.)

Se tem um objeto de decoração que eu amo ganhar é vela. Nunca é demais e sempre falta..além de ser super cool de decoração na cabeçeira ou no banheiro.
The Chai symbol is often worn by Jews as a medallion around the neck (along with the Star of David (Magen David), and the Hamsa).
In Hebrew, the related word chaya means "living thing" or "animal", and is derived from the Hebrew word chai (חי), meaning "life".
Jews often give gifts and donations in multiples of 18, which is called "giving chai". Mailings from Jewish charities usually suggest the amounts to give in multiples of chai (18, 36, 54, dollars, etc.) rather than the usual multiples of 25 or 100....my favorite phrase...."`am yisrael chai!" (עַם יִשְרָאֵל חַי, "The people of Israel live!").
I miss doing this.....a pic of JG not too long ago........we shall return.......
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775