70th Anniversary Of Auschwitz's Liberation

Privet Matryoshkas!!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
An afterthought about Miss Universe there were several great candidates that
could have won but sometimes the little details can hurt you with the judges and
and most important politics always play a big part too....I was impressed with Miss Ukraine, of course with Miss Spain too and Miss Netherlands was so classy.....I know that MJ lastimosa
was devastated for not at least making the last five........such is life.
when everyone cried backstage, she was just happy to wear her beautiful gown

La belleza latina arrasa: nueve Miss Universo en quince años
Fica a dica, meninas!
and so you know the website for Dr Frances Prenna Jones is now operational.....
so if you want now you can buy the Formula 2006 that I am constantly touting...
it is fantastic.....
so if you want now you can buy the Formula 2006 that I am constantly touting...
it is fantastic.....
and choose the
FORMULA 2006 +
The turbo-charged sibling to the original Formula 2006

Color Black...King Fahd Causeway...Al Khobar....Graziano's-Coral Gables....Megan Young...Makati....Aman Resorts....Kfar Shmaryahu....Bodour Al Hilali....Jean Paul Gaultier...
iPad Air....The Best Or Nothing.....il Pellicano....Combarro....Park Hyatt-The Rocks....Azzam....
Eyal Golan.....Turner Classic Movies....Giorgio Armani...
iPad Air....The Best Or Nothing.....il Pellicano....Combarro....Park Hyatt-The Rocks....Azzam....
Eyal Golan.....Turner Classic Movies....Giorgio Armani...
Yu-na Kim hair bun

but she wears it the best, and she should trademark it

I love this long leather coat snapped at the Paris Couture shows—très chic.
and this are definitely gummy bear breast implants....


La société dans laquelle nous sommes nés repose sur l’égoïsme.
Les sociologues nomment cela l’individualisme alors qu’il y a un mot plus simple: nous vivons dans la société de la solitude.
Les sociologues nomment cela l’individualisme alors qu’il y a un mot plus simple: nous vivons dans la société de la solitude.
Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder.Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.
"Everything is Temporary"
three words that completely changed my life once I fully accepted them....and I accepted them and understood them at a younger age
a very early Valentine delivery to me........

Today I received Honmei choco (本命チョコ all the way from Japan....arigato...
you are the best!!!!!a very early Valentine delivery to me........

Today I received Honmei choco (本命チョコ all the way from Japan....arigato...
I loved watching this film
إفتتاح فيلم "يلا عقبالكن" و تصريحات نجومه | Yalla 3a2belkon Film Launching
Yalla 3a2belkon a traditional phrase most people throw around at most single people, predominantly women, at weddings which translates into -If god’s willing your next-in line!
Someone that reads my blog asked me to explain the Three Nots, so here it is : Not Here, Not Nice and Not Smart'

just wandering if Russian girls should be judged this way???: the ever-mocked Russian sense of style, consisting of EVERYTHING done to the MAX (stilettos+cleavage+mini skirt+loads of jewelry+loads of makeup+loads of hairspray=everything in its place, intensity, LABELS).
Here is something to ponder....liberals are anti fur but yet they are pro abortion....so it is ok to kill a human baby but not ok to kill animals?..Gordon Gekko was right when he said " Wasps love animals and hate humans.....I rest my case....
no plastic glasses only crystal...no plastic forks....knifes or spoons...plastic is a no no

The Amir has lots of Pinays and Pinoys working for his enterprises.....
the temple of elegance......
Black with beige shoes.....I rest my case(smiles)

-Pilates Mat, Pilates Reformer, Fletcher Pilates, PowerPilates, Pilates de suelo y Yoga-Pilates. Todo esto, así en general se llama simplemente Pilates y es una misma cosa.
-Pilates Mat, Reformer Pilates, Fletcher Pilates, Power Pilates, Floor Pilates and Yoga-Pilates. All this, and generally called simply Pilates and is the same thing.
The most beautiful curve of a woman is her smile "
Shakira sang about them..... "Ojos Así"

Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too.
Black Reigns
Alaïa est un “créateur ultra-légendaire.” La crème de la crème.
Never plastic bottles....always crystal.....
"I don't like standard beauty, there is no beauty without strangeness."

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap

Vanessa Hassler one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tudbuts


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


no plastic bottles no plastic cups...yes, only crystal bottles and glasses.

It started with Perrier. Somehow, a French company convinced people it's cool to buy bottled water. Today, Evian has surpassed Perrier in sales and now it's the chic French water of choice.

MM forever

Elena Perminova
Girlfriend to Russian billionaire (and ex-KGB spy) Elena is a model, an occasional economics student at Moscow University, mother, convicted drug dealer and street style favorite – all at the age of 26. Unconventional? Perhaps. Stylish? You bet your bottom dollar!

CCC in Alaia
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

There are no one more diverse, entertaining and at the same time
flamboyant than Peepy and Lady Lee

️��️ "Peepy Shopping Time With his Lovely Gang" Peepy With P'Pueng , P'Arng , P'Mic , Moddam , N'Joke , P'Koong
a little take on Japan-日本,

One of the most well-known features of the Japanese people is their custom of bowing to express politeness, apology or humility, though as with most aspects of the country, there's more to the custom than is immediately visible to cultural outsiders like us. There are different terms for a bow depending on whether it's a slight acknowledgement, such as to a coworker in the morning, a medium bow as from a student to a teacher, or a deeper, more formal bow that would be used in business relationships, or meeting the parents of the person you've become engaged to. Japan's bowing culture crops up in unexpected areas, including while driving (when someone gives you the right-of-way), and while talking on the phone.
朝礼 chorei (lit. "morning bow") which is a brief formal meeting where the employees stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and work hard, followed by a deep bow

They all went to the same plastic surgeon and dermatologist

Forever Young

20 years old - Botox
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

You should want to see this film. The cast is great, especially Julianne Moore
American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles-sweatshop free...

not very classy.....but is she really?
você sabia que cafeína faz o cabelo crescer mais rápido?
This scarf from Saint Laurent is the ultimate winter tweak. Same patchwork design as their most coveted dress but, a fraction of the price. And the best part? You can wear it now.

hippie chic look

Shoah survivors arrived in Krakow on the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation
fresh baked Challah
is a special Jewish braided bread eaten on Sabbath and holidays.