Shavua tov. Wishing everyone a great week.
please say kaddish & light a candle for all the victims of this week’s terror attacks in France. May there be only peace ahead.
Shmuel Yitzchak ben Sara
Mordechai ben Maya
Andri bat Susan
Zeri ben Susan
Mordechai ben Maya
Andri bat Susan
Zeri ben Susan
שמואל יצחק בן שרה
מרדכי בן מיה
אנדרי בת סוזן
זרי בן סוזן
מרדכי בן מיה
אנדרי בת סוזן
זרי בן סוזן
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
new sponsor for the tidbits....maybe the mention of thigh gap inspired them to sponsor
my blog(smiles)....
Priscilla Presley remembers Elvis at Graceland......

Coming Soon!!! FENDI Introduces The Men’s Peekaboo Bag For The Men's Style Destination.

Anabel Krasnotsvetova
Let's maybe pay some attention to this girl.
And cellulite always appears where you think it should not....I am not being critical just pointing out that flaws appear in all models....

I have a friend that has gmail and is getting anti-semite emails from a former acquaintance and she asked me how I block unwanted mail.......here is the way....
To have Gmail send messages from a specific sender to the Trash automatically:
- Click the Show search options triangle (▾) in the Gmail search field.
- Type the desired email address underFrom:.
- You can block an entire domain by entering just that. To block all mail from both user-a@example.com and user-b@example.com, type "@example.com".
- To block more than one address, separate them with "|" (the vertical bar; typically above the backslash on the keyboard; not including the quotation marks). You can block both user-a@example.com and user-b@example.com by typing "user-a@example.com|user-b@example.com",
but the best way is just to give silence and not bother answering such individuals......I rest my case

It's eight years to the day since Steve Jobs first revealed the iPhone to the world.
It was nothing short of a miracle.
Before the iPhone came out, smartphones were clunky devices, half keyboard and half screen.
Full websites didn't run on mobile phones, so companies were forced to build weak, mobile versions of their sites.
The iPhone changed everything.
And yet the iPhone experience we all enjoy today didn't happen overnight. It took years of Apple adding feature upon feature. By today's standards, the original iPhone was a useless brick.
i made a quick one day jaunt to NYC to prepare for the upcoming Uber IPO and my Russian sable jacket made a splash there...and all the elements i like go with me...LV backpacks...Cartier bubinga glasses....iPhones plenty of them to take the many calls.....
Free your mind
This tactic is back....and I am all for it.....if Barack Hussein Obama and his cohorts are plundering the taxpayers money this is more legal than most......(see below)
In the 80s, the goal was to buy a company without putting money. For that were junk bonds. A junk bond is a bond that does not have investment grade by the rating agencies risk, ie Moody's, Standard and Poor's or Fitch IBCA, among others, which, though now blame them all, do the work regulators-including central banks-have not wanted to assume that, in the end, it was a lot of work but worth it as you buying something valuable for nothing.

"Sections in the bookstore_____________________________
- Books You Haven’t Read
- Books You Needn’t Read
- Books Made for Purposes Other Than Reading
- Books Read Even Before You Open Them Since They Belong to the Category of Books Read Before Being Written
- Books That If You Had More Than One Life You Would Certainly Also Read But Unfortunately Your Days Are Numbered
- Books You Mean to Read But There Are Others You Must Read First
- Books Too Expensive Now and You’ll Wait ‘Til They’re Remaindered
- Books ditto When They Come Out in Paperback
- Books You Can Borrow from Somebody
- Books That Everybody’s Read So It’s As If You Had Read Them, Too
- Books You’ve Been Planning to Read for Ages
- Books You’ve Been Hunting for Years Without Success
- Books Dealing with Something You’re Working on at the Moment
- Books You Want to Own So They’ll Be Handy Just in Case
- Books You Could Put Aside Maybe to Read This Summer
- Books You Need to Go with Other Books on Your Shelves
- Books That Fill You with Sudden, Inexplicable Curiosity, Not Easily Justified
- Books Read Long Ago Which It’s Now Time to Re-read
- Books You’ve Always Pretended to Have Read and Now It’s Time to Sit Down and Really Read Them"
- Books You Haven’t Read
- Books You Needn’t Read
- Books Made for Purposes Other Than Reading
- Books Read Even Before You Open Them Since They Belong to the Category of Books Read Before Being Written
- Books That If You Had More Than One Life You Would Certainly Also Read But Unfortunately Your Days Are Numbered
- Books You Mean to Read But There Are Others You Must Read First
- Books Too Expensive Now and You’ll Wait ‘Til They’re Remaindered
- Books ditto When They Come Out in Paperback
- Books You Can Borrow from Somebody
- Books That Everybody’s Read So It’s As If You Had Read Them, Too
- Books You’ve Been Planning to Read for Ages
- Books You’ve Been Hunting for Years Without Success
- Books Dealing with Something You’re Working on at the Moment
- Books You Want to Own So They’ll Be Handy Just in Case
- Books You Could Put Aside Maybe to Read This Summer
- Books You Need to Go with Other Books on Your Shelves
- Books That Fill You with Sudden, Inexplicable Curiosity, Not Easily Justified
- Books Read Long Ago Which It’s Now Time to Re-read
- Books You’ve Always Pretended to Have Read and Now It’s Time to Sit Down and Really Read Them"
and of course this section too......

Last text message: Une amie m’a envoyé un sms me demandant si j’étais disponible plus tard aujourd’hui!
Last beverage: Un chocolat chaud
I want to think that the mythical "El Dorado" and Ponce de Leon Fountain of Youth" are still attainable so as I can continue to hope someone will find them...I will say that I have found Dr Steven M Hoefflin fountain of youth and it has done wonders for moi....

A scrunchie (or scrunchy) is a fabric-covered elastic hair tie, commonly used to fasten long hair. Large, elaborate styles and diminutive, unassuming forms are available in many different colors, fabrics,[1] and designs.[

looks and looks
Been there done that..........

thigh gap
no thigh gap


Lilly Ghalichi vs Zahia Dehar
The Teeny White Dress
The Birkin
The Significant Other (for moi the dogs are not kosher)

The Editorial
The Closeup

The Wild Side

Vika Gazinskaya
Vika is a talented designer born and raised in Moscow. Her designs are very curious and spectacular with some unexpected solutions and finishes at times. They include both designing the actual pieces and combining them. Thus, one of the most popular images of Vika is the pair of a cute and minimalistic cocktail dress with Nike sneakers and a cap. This philosophy is reflected in her works, too, which are inspired by some colorful doodles, Icelandic scenery, and surreal motives. Dries Van Noten, Stefano Pilati, Stella McCartney are listed among her favorite designers.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy being Peepy

Home Alone Peepy Signature!!! By Cartoon From Central Kids Club.
a little take on Japan-日本,

Someone asked me how one goes about learning kanji, so I thought I'd write about this a bit. Kanji are the Chinese pictographs used to communicate meaning in Chinese and Japanese sentences, and while they can look like as difficult and mysterious as Egyptian
hieroglyphics when you're not familiar with them, they're actually quite logical. Most kanji are divided into "radicals" which help you
guess their meaning, for example kanji like 海、洗 and 泳 (umi, arau and oyogu,
meaning the sea, to wash and to swim) all share the same left side, which refers to the sea or to water. Similarly, characters related to languages or learning have 言 (to say, which looks like a stack of books on a table) on the left side, e.g. 読, 話 or 語 (yomu, hanasu and go, meaning to read, to speak and language). The "correct" way to learn kanji is as Japanese elementary school student do, starting with the first grade characters and working your way up to the sixth grade This is preferably done with a native Japanese teacher in a structured class to keep you from mis-learning something, though there are newer ways to learn (iPhone apps, online services) that are outside my personal experience. While learning kanji is fun, there's one thing to keep in mind: in our modern age of waapro and keitai (word processing software and cell phones) you'll likely never hand-write Japanese a significant amount. Therefore, studying with the goal of learning to read, but not necessarily write, is a valid approach for the 21st century.
hieroglyphics when you're not familiar with them, they're actually quite logical. Most kanji are divided into "radicals" which help you
guess their meaning, for example kanji like 海、洗 and 泳 (umi, arau and oyogu,
meaning the sea, to wash and to swim) all share the same left side, which refers to the sea or to water. Similarly, characters related to languages or learning have 言 (to say, which looks like a stack of books on a table) on the left side, e.g. 読, 話 or 語 (yomu, hanasu and go, meaning to read, to speak and language). The "correct" way to learn kanji is as Japanese elementary school student do, starting with the first grade characters and working your way up to the sixth grade This is preferably done with a native Japanese teacher in a structured class to keep you from mis-learning something, though there are newer ways to learn (iPhone apps, online services) that are outside my personal experience. While learning kanji is fun, there's one thing to keep in mind: in our modern age of waapro and keitai (word processing software and cell phones) you'll likely never hand-write Japanese a significant amount. Therefore, studying with the goal of learning to read, but not necessarily write, is a valid approach for the 21st century.
Fredric S. Brandt, M.D., the man behind the flawless faces of countless celebs
the Master Injector of such fillers as Botox, Restylane and Perlane. But his home products are in equally high demand
she looked better with her old nose......and she did her eyelids.....
Dr. Andrew Frankel is a world-renowned facial plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

An example to follow.....
Singapore is an independent, sovereign democratic nation. It is made up of Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian communities, who speak and practice their own language, culture and religion. They live harmoniously despite their varied ethnic backgrounds. Their differences unite them and make them unique as Singaporeans.

The fantastic cover image, and story, on chef Kristen Kish was styled by Amanda Ross. And Cherry Bombe co-founder Kerry Diamond listed KiC as her go-to site—thank you, Kerry!
Park So-youn wins Nationals, Kim Yuna presents awards

Al Pacino - Godfather 1 Godfather 2 Godfather 3

The word “Don” is used in Italian when referring to a priest or to an aristocrat. A godfather is in fact a man of respect. He is an aristocrat of crime, a prince of evil, no matter his appearance or his clothes – this may be one reason why Hollywood movie-goers have found the Mafiosi so attractive.

American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles......sweatshop free........

American Apparel is a clothing manufactuter in the United states. They do all the design, marketing, and advertsing themselves and have built up a repuation of being one of the "coolest" brands among teens. They are best known for their use of block colour in their clothing which has expanded from just T-shirts to full male and female ranges and even down to clothes for dogs. Aside from their clothes the biggest thing they are known for is their adverts.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775