
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 35

Getting ready for the 8 days of Hanukkah......

Hanukkah, which starts next week, is one of the most widely celebrated Jewish holidays in Israel and the United States.

Kislev is the month of Chanukah and Sufganiyot. Come visit Israel and eat the world’s best Sufganiyot in Jerusalem!! 

..5 days to Chanukah-Hanukkah

non guardareosserva.......do not look, observe

"Yes, YES, YEEESSSS!" (yoshi, yoshi, yoooshi! - よし、よし、よーし!):. I am back!!!

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.

Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 
JGsome thoughts and actions to think aboutand you should

How about some sweet Rugelach to start the new week?

I am living like there is no tomorrow because there isn't one.....


Western Culture Clashes 


If you have ever been to Pilipinas....you will hear many words in English that are not used anywhere else....here are a few that I have heard and that I like......

chorva’- is a gayspeak widely used in the Philippines (now by all sexes) to mean whatever or something.
English-language newspapers in the Philippines always use the word 'presidentiable', referring to a potential candidate for the highest pubic office in the land, or senatoriable when referring to a candidate running for the position of senator.
popular Filipino acronyms like “TY” (thank you) and “CR” (comfort room)

'Cheerleaders': 'No somos tontas con pompones sino atletas'
'Cheerleaders': 'We are not dumb girls with pom poms we are athletes......

one of the best clinics for beauty in Dubai

Elegance like this is rare these days

That she did her lips and other procedures is obvious........

Que Kylie Jenner se hizo un aumento de labios no es un secreto para nadie. Es obvio. Lo que me sorprende es leer de vez en cuando a alguna entendida diciendo tiene los labios más gruesos gracias al perfilador.

Other than that, se ha hecho un retoque en la nariz para acortar la punta y estrechar el tabique. Le ha quedado muy bien. Aunque el cambio es brutal, no creo que se haya hecho nada más aparte de la nariz y el labio. El resto es fruto del dinero y de un estilismo perfecto. Kylie es un buen ejemplo que llevar los detalles cuidados al máximo es la mejor manera de embellecerse (cejas, piel, pestañas…).
She did her nose to make the point of the nose look nice...and the look is nicer....the rest is the
triumph of money and expensive styling.

El único problema que veo es que ha descubierto la cirugía a una edad demasiado temprana (apenas tiene 18 years). Así que es cuestión de tiempo que siga y siga con los retoques hasta que meta la pata y se haga algo que no tenga arreglo (como Megan Fox y algunas de sus hermanas). Pero espero que sea lista y que se de cuenta de que ya no necesita nada más.

The only problem that I see is that she discovered plastic surgery at a young age, she is 18 years old.

The First Trailer for 2016's "The Little Prince" Has Been Released-And It Will Give You Chills
The book has been notoriously difficult to translate into film-but Paramount seems to be finally getting it right.

gummy bear breast implants


Gezellingheid is at the core of Dutch culture. I'ts an atmosphere, a vibe, a serendipitious 
togetherness, an aesthetic, a relaxed mood, a feeling of flow, a sense of belonging.
To describe a person, a place or gathering that has gezelligheid, use the adjective gezelling. It's
to hang out with an old friend you haven't seen for awhile, and fresh flowers or lit candles on
a windowsill are also gezelling.

Peepy With Mother'LEE "  Delvaux Bag" FROM THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM!!!"Delvaux (Brand) , The Oldest Fine Leather Luxury House In The World , Founded In 1829.  LE BRILLANT!!! Born In 1958 In Brussels, "Le Brillant" Is Delvaux’s Most Celebrated And Cherished Bag, A True Icon For Modern Times.

my fourth time I read this book....it is amazing.....

and my third time to read this one too.....they have a relevance as they both deal with the late Edmond Safra..........

The red lips. The beanie...... The white shirt. And of course, the zipper up the back.
Soooo cool.

Nochebuena, the Mexican name of the flower English-speakers call poinsettia, was discovered in Taxco and the valleys surrounding Cuernavaca

I have been meaning to write about the art of the thank you for some time.
I am worried that, “thank you” is loosing puff… being forgotten or relegated to one of those meaning-to-do jobs.
This upsets me.
I am a great believer in the power of those two small words.
They won’t change the world but they do make it a more gentle and civilized place.
Saying thank you is easy, it’s fast and it costs nothing… What is difficult about that?

Haifa Wehbe who is a famous Lebanon singer, has done much plastic surgery on her appearance  Breast augmentation as well as Lip augmentation that are easily noticed even by layman persons. The drastically changes on the shape of her breasts and lips are surely the impacts of going under the knife///she has also done -Cheek implants and Chin implants that are seen clearly on her face. She is also a big fan of Botox injections as well as Fillers injectionsFortunately for her, she has found the great professional surgeon, because she always gets the expected result for all plastic surgery she had done. Automatically it makes her going international and much more famous as an singer

But cool is also definitely NOT like fashion. Cool is more about what the norm is NOT. Cool is elusive, indefinable, covetable. It is original, desirable, and not accessible to everybody. If everyone has it, if the brand becomes saturated, it stops being cool.

Can you buy beauty....yes, if you go to the right plastic surgeons...and of course if
you have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Sheikha Mozah, cheekbones to die for. I know some people say they are bought, does it matter?
And yes they are..............

Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg

Two beautiful dresses suitable for all kinds of Christmas or Hanukkah related events. Voilá!

Shelo yihbe neiro l’olam v’ed ~ the light will burn forever

A snippet of Shlomo Carlebach zt”l ~ “It could be today.”
…. Chanukah is one holiday where the whole ceremony is only at night. Chanukah gives us the strength to bear the sometimes long, sometimes
blackest of nights.
But G-d swore to us that in the morning the Light will be burning.


spot the one without plastic surgery

Oui, la rencontre des bouches est la plus parfaite, la plus divine sensation qui soit donnée aux humains, la dernière, la suprême limite du bonheur.

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Aditi Arya one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


diário fim-de-semana beta pinheiro fashionite santiago 1



Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places

Astrakhan- this fur is perhaps one of the and most luxurious of them all......
The plush fur dyed in vibrant colors has lately been a fixture on runways
at Miu Miu, Céline and Dior

a fur of young lambs, with lustrous, closely curled wool, from Astrakhan. Also called astrakhan cloth. a fabric with curled pile resembling astrakhan fur.

and before I forget the femi-nazis....the liberals that are anti-fur do not mind abortion....it is
ok to kill babies but not furry animals....that is the reality......hypocrites.....

and while on the subject of furs....here is something to think about...........

You should  not carry a handbag or clutch, only shoulder and crossbody. So here’s the concern—You should be worried that the strap will cut a groove into the shoulder of the coat. When you can, you should wear the bag underneath, but that’s not always an option. I realize that this dilemma sounds silly (and shallow), but I see so many other women with their bags outside their furs, it makes me wonder.
And don’t get me started on seat belts—I’m convinced that they’re ruin clothes......…

'the Russian mafia'

Miroslava Mikheeva Duma

She is always so beautifully dressed, often in a lot of color, and never boring.


The Fabulous Clarins Girls

From left, Virginie, Jenna, Prisca, and Claire Courtin-Clarins at a Clarins spa at the Hotel Royal Monceau in Paris

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

I've written before about how effectively studying a language requires certain things. A real desire to learn is important, as is being inventive enough to figure out how your own brain learns best, since every brain is different. It's also useful to have what the Japanese called kan (pronounced "kahn," like this), a word which means perception or intuition and the ability to figure out meaning in abstract situations. If you're kan ga ii then you're good at making sense of something from very little information, but someone who is kan ga warui is terrible at picking up meaning from a few threads.



Is Plastic Surgery Cheating?

Plastic Surgery Checklist    
FaceNose ReshapingEyelid SurgerySkinBotoxDermal FillersChemical PeelMicrodermabrasionBodyBreast AugmentationLiposuction

Before                                            After

no it is not...it is trying to look your best and using science for that purpose
and for self............

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

this is a Missoni coat....if you don't know than you don't know....
Sheikha Mozah in traditional and modern black dresses.

The handmade dress is called Huipil, and they are traditional mostly in the southern states of the country, specially from Oaxaca.

Denni Elias Chicmuse Traditional flower crown Cempasuchil Mexico 4b
Denni Elias Chicmuse Traditional flower crown Cempasuchil Mexico 1b
Denni Elias Chicmuse Traditional flower crown Cempasuchil Mexico 3b
Denni Elias Chicmuse Traditional flower crown Cempasuchil Mexico 5b
Denni Elias Chicmuse Traditional flower crown Cempasuchil Mexico 4b



From Abraham to Armageddon: The Convergence of Current Events, Bible Prophecy and Islam


Porter magazine

A good dress is the ultimate wardrobe staple. I love the ribbing and belt on this one by Calvin Klein
 Collection. Edita looks beautiful in this story from the winter issue of Porter.

Olivia is notorious for her re-styling and effortless look that is chic and tailored to her petite figure. Her style reflects a woman of elegance, simplicity, and femininity.

Hatufim and Homeland

Did you know…? The hit American television series Homeland is based off of an Israel series called Hatufim (lit. Prisoners of War).
Hatufim was created and directed by Gideon Raff, and is currently awaiting the production of its third season. The show tells a fictional story of three Israeli soldiers who were held in captivity for 17 years, two of whom were released and came back to Israel. Hatufim is Israel’s highest-rated drama of all time, and won multiple awards.

Even before the filming of Hatufim, 20th Century Fox bought the rights to the series based on the script alone. Gideon Raff even co-wrote the pilot episode of Homeland and remained on as an executive producer.

#55 - Scorning New Money

money is money but for rich people there is ‘old money’ and there is ‘new money’. Old money smells like rich mahogany, leather bound books and has always had money while new money went to public school, didn’t have a nanny and clawed their way out of a tortuous middle class upbringing. As far as real rich people are concerned, the nouveaux riche are classless underlings and second class citizens. In fact, old money would rather spend time with their chauffeurs and gardeners than invite a pastel-wearing, Lamborghini driving, loud-mouthed, hedge fund millionaire into their home when the only thing they have in common is their bank balance.


The allure of gold is nothing new. Throughout the centuries, gold has held a fascination that comes not only from its beauty (hold a gold coin in your hand, and you’ll see what I mean), but also from its truly limited supply.
That quality has always made gold a “safe haven” in troubled times. And the price of gold has been a barometer of faith in governments and the currencies they issue

Foie Gras

#60 - Foie Gras

Rich people love almost anything that is difficult to pronounce. It is all the better if it is also despised by Frisbee-throwing, Che Guevara loving, dreadlock sporting, patchouli wearing activists. Like a Hummer at a Green Peace rally, animal rights activists have a major hate-on for this tasty treat. 

Is there any moment better than that one when skin greets the dawn? Or, when kissed by the hot sun? Rain drops just don’t hold the same cache. When the air brings a sense of arrival, even this late in the year, Warm Body Oil  is such the perfect body oil to hark in some much desired comfort.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Anastasiia wears the Sheer Luxe Cut-Out Pantyhose.Shop the item: HERE

Look – Black Weekend

68 yrs ago: UN approved Res 181 paving the way to the creation of the state of Israel
68 years later, we’re here, we’re strong, and we’re ready for anything.Today we thank G-d for bringing us back and celebrate our truly incredible country and all that it means to us. Israel is the Jewish homeland, given to Am Yisrael by Hashem thousands of years ago

Target nailed their Chanukah preparations with this floor display made of soda boxes. 

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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