There is no better sight than menorahs as far as the eye can see.......
sadly Hanukkah is over.....and it was the best ever.........
last gifts for the end of Hanukkah
♔ Luxury for you ♔

poinsettias! send me and make my soul swoon........
We love only what we do not wholly possess.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Sophisticated • Refined • Elegant
I grew tired of not finding blogs about opulence and luxury and intelligent musings.... so i decided to share my collection of nice things with some eccentric, ecclectic elements with an additional touch of being different that you will not find in any other blog.
And more important I want to tell you many things you do not know.....I feel I am.....thanks so much for all the support from all around this beautiful world....

the luxury sponsors are continuing to join the Tidbits...thanks....
Women are just beautiful, and the world should recognize their beauty.
I am impressed she would have a Vladimir Putin case for her iPhone....and Putin
is fearless, tyraniccal if you wish...Furbo yes....
All of you that celebrate Christmas....this better be your favorite song(smiles)
All I want for Christmas is Jews......
Le chiamavano - poser
What every Classy woman should have in her travel case:
A leopard Pashmina
Ballerina type of walking shoes
Christian Louboutin Gold high heels
Molton Brown SPF15
Dr Frances Prenna Jones Formula 2006 +
Prada Jersey Dress
Nenuco Colonia smart girls will use this in hot water and to refresh...
Hard case Louis Vuitton case

Bond No. 9 Perfume
a pen and a diary
La Perla
I think is not kosher to overdo your lips and breasts but yet it is the norm with many

And in this video you can see what a great facelift she is still holding

I love science, not just because of the fascinating, wondrous things it reveals about the universe and our place within it but also, more abstractly, for its incredible devotion to knowledge and the truth. As a romantic at heart, I like to think there’s nothing more noble than this ruthlessly honest, meticulous, and strangely humble goal to understand the intricacies of life and reality.
"كن مع الناس الذين يغيرون وجهة نظرك في الحياة”
It must have been so much fun to be Madonna... pero fuentes que
conosco me dicen que ahora esta esta tomando bien
el envejecer

“Ganbatte” which contains all sense of “Cheer up, Bear up, Keep your chin up, Be courageous, With this single word, we can portray all meaning of encouragement. I think perhaps, Chinese word, “加油 - Jia you” well corresponds to “Ganbatte” in its sense and function.
and this one in London is one of my favorites..........
un chocolate
un chocolate
una mujer guapa....bella.......
I have a dear friend that went to Le Rosey, Château de Rosey school and always wore Christalle and I always recognised her by her fragrance.....

Princess Ameera bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel Al-Otaibi - "Say Alhumduillah, because you always have more than you think you have."
Are You Listening?
Are you really listening?
Listening or to be a “listener” is an extraordinary quality and one we can take for granted every single day.
We think we listen and we presume we listen but are we really listening?
We touched on this subject briefly and it had me thinking about how perceptive great listeners are.
We touched on this subject briefly and it had me thinking about how perceptive great listeners are.
Sometimes the quiet and silent types are nothing more than listeners.
I respect “listeners” more and more. “Noise” can be over-rated.
What good are passions? Sooner or later their sweet sickness
Fades when reason speaks up

always stay calm a-la JG.........
I Love Black Gold....the sight of a pump jack makes my day.....and thanks that we shorted the priceof a barrel of oil today was a windfall day as we made lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
and yes this was my gift for the last day of Hanukkah.....thank oil markets.....
and yes this was my gift for the last day of Hanukkah.....thank oil markets.....
A pump jack is seen at sunrise near Bakersfield, California December 14, 2014

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Nia Sanchez one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
Alain Delon vs. Mick Jagger.
In entrambi i casi: tenetevi pure i toyboy.
Mugdha Godse -Great Smile....Great Composure
look at that beautiful girl
Graff is creme de la creme from all the jewellers. The finest and most expensive diamonds around.
It’s very popular with arabs and Russians because of it’s bling bling nature, but also a trendy brand for engagement rings of the rich and famous.
I went to their shop in Harrods today and realised there must be some form of a psychological subconscious effect with beautiful things that glimmer. You cannot NOT want it when it sits there and sparkles so peacefully to you

Miroslava Duma's Sable Fur
C’est difficile d’ouvrir une conversation sur la fourrure, parce qu’elle déchaîne les passions. Compréhensible.
It’s difficult to have a conversation about fur, because it’s such a passionate debate. It’s understandable.
the fur that she is wearing in the above shots are not an ordinary fur. It is sable, considered to be the most precious fur in the world. And not just sable, it is Russian sable, that is, the finest sable.
Russian sable was so precious that during the days of the Tsars, only the royal family could wear it. All others were forbidden from sable. And out of Russia, sable was the fur of choice for kings, queens, emperors and the sultans. For example, history books record that in the 17th century, the Ottoman sultan Ibrahim, known as the "Crazy", paid extraordinary amounts of money to the Tsar of Moscow to purchase sable.

The ultrachic international it girl, Claire Courtin Clarins

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan is a country with a highly developed system of superstitions that govern what is considered lucky or unlucky. There's a strange system of six named days that cycle over and over. When Japanese get married or take possession of a new car they always try to do it on 大安 (taian or Great Peace), the "lucky" day in this cycle, and avoid making any life-altering changes on 仏滅 (butsumetsu or Buddha's Death Day), the "unlucky" day.


It’s no secret that cosmetic facial surgeries like a facelift can help you achieve a more youthful look, but if you’re looking to maximize your appearance, combining facial procedures is the way to go.
There are many cosmetic facial procedures that treat signs of aging. For example, once sagging skin and wrinkles begin to set in, patients often decide to go with a facelift to rejuvenate their appearance. It may also be beneficial to supplement their facelift with other facial surgeries like eyelid surgery to address droopy eyelids or bags beneath the eyes, or a brow lift to help eliminate forehead wrinkles.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
The Sheikha with Zaha Hadid
Sheikha Mozah wearing the fabulous black couture jumpsuit from Jean Paul Gaultier Fall Winter 2014 collection. She looks absolutely gorgeous and fierce in this look, have to admit her body looks amazing!

is it worth it? I am leery of taking anything that is prescribed and even do not
like to take medicines as they all have some kind of side effects.
like to take medicines as they all have some kind of side effects.
1991, Égoïste de Chanel

La Grande Sophie - La valse des adieux...
1 – Você sai na rua de cara limpa? Você se maquia todos os dias?2 – Você faz academia? Já faltou a academia por preguiça?
3 – Quantos minutos por dia você gasta para se arrumar (banho + make + cabelo + roupa)?
4 – Você passa hidratante corporal e protetor solar facial religiosamente todos os dias?
5 – O que vc faz quando está num evento e o sapato machuca o seu pé?
6 – Já aconteceu da sua roupa rasgar, sujar ou manchar durante um evento? O que você fez?
7 – Já dormiu maquiada alguma vez na sua vida?8 – Qual a cor de batom que você nunca teria coragem de usar?
9 – Já sabotou sua dieta e se arrependeu?10 – Já fez alguma maquiagem que deu errado ou ficou esquisita e só percebeu nas fotos?
10 – Já fez alguma maquiagem que deu errado ou ficou esquisita e só percebeu nas fotos?
vitamina C

Finally, there are a bunch of movies out that I’m excited to see—it felt like we were in a film drought.
Une couleur que j’ai toujours admirée sur les autres, c’est le roux, nuance tellement originale et vibrante ! Et c’est fou comme les femmes aux cheveux roux réussissent à porter cette teinte flamboyante avec un naturel désarmant. Et Parme ne fait pas exception. D’ailleurs, le côté flamboyant de sa chevelure vient souligner son manteau ombré, en se fondant dans ses nuances un peu ambrées… un effet qui n’est pas si facile à obtenir.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Express Edition lace inset silk maxi dress
Wearing Express’ first capsule collection, Edition. I love the high end modern look – this beautiful silk dress has it all! So perfect for the holidays
Well said
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world and life is.....
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