
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 45

And I am back in North Beverly Park.....much better than Las Vegas......not a fan of Sin City....

Eu sou tão chique(rsrs)


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

"Le désir fleurit, la possession flétrit toutes choses" Marcel Proust

a layman translation would be.....when you desire something - when you get it , you do not want it...(ie. beautiful girls, luxury items...out of the ordinary experiences and so on.....)

for my Spanish readers:
¡Madre mía!
Errar es humano, pero lo que hizo el presentador no tiene perdón. No solo provocó la humillación de Miss Colombia, sino que también arruinó el momento de gloria de Miss Filipinas. Era evidente que la pobre no sabía qué hacer, estaba contenta de saber que era la ganadora, pero se sentía muy mal por su compañera. Apartó la vista cuando Paulina Vega le quitó la corona a Miss Colombia.

The road to the Miss Universe crown is never easy.

Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez  is mistakenly crowned Miss Universe 2015 during the 2015 MISS UNIVERSE show at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, in Las Vegas, California, on December 20, 2015.

Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach reacts to the announcement establishing her as Miss Universe 2015 on stage during the 2015 MISS UNIVERSE¨ Show at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, in Las Vegas, California, on December 20, 2015. 

to add salt to the wound........

  1. Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!

La Perla

Bella Hadid, una de las 'it girls' que ha dado el salto a las pasarelas más prestigiosas, vuelve a levantar las temperaturas en estos días tan fríos con fotos más propias de unas vacaciones de verano.

Louis Vuitton Reigns..........and I always have a use for the keepall LV 45

louis vuitton Gstaad
Gstaad, Switzerland.

Wixson, Wixson, Wixson, Wixson.



looks from 3 different angles for stage performance and also for further photos session in a swimsuit

اجمل اغنية لهيفاء وهبي

gummy bear breast implants


This is an amazing comment about my blog....see what you think......

Tu as un blog et un compte instagram absolument magnifique. Je dois m'efforcer de ne pas tout rebloguer ou aimer tes clichés! Par l'esthétisme de ton blog, tu sembles être une personne fascinante, élégante et brillante (du moins, c'est ce que je perçois à travers ton blog et insta.), je ressens même une petite pointe d'envie quand il m'arrive de flâner sur ta page....que est ton secret? ;) Passe un joyeux temps des fêtes -xxx-


and i say..........

Merci beaucoup pour ton message. Je sais que mes réponses de remerciement semblent toujours la même chose, mais le contenu est d’autant plus vrai: ces compliments me font toujours très plaisir, et je suis ravie que mon blog t’inspire d’une quelconque façon (je dois t’avouer que cela me rassure car je trouve ma page  par moment un peu redondante) ;)

Russian women, the ones I've met at least, take their wardrobes very, very seriously. This isn’t meant to be a sweeping generalization—but the fact is, every single woman I know has an entire room, or more (a room, not a walk-in) devoted to their clothes. And their shoes. And their bags. And their jewelry.

Don't kill the messenger just passing this on...........
In case of Palestinian uprising I'll side with Israel: Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal
(privately he has shared this with me as well as other Saudi Royals) and yes, all their moneyis invested with JEWS

 According to Kuwaiti Al Qabas daily, the flamboyant Saudi Prince and entrepreneur, al-Waleed bin Talal posited that his country must reconsider its regional commitments and devise a new strategy to combat Iran's increasing influence in Gulf States by forging a Defense pact with Israel 

the temple of elegance......

Watch your back...keep your friends close and your enemies closer......

Is she not Fabulous.....................

black with gold continues to be one of my favorite combinations.......

This bag and the orange boxes send me.............Hermès.......Hermès........Hermès 

Visibility is perfect at 45,000 Feet!!!!

A private jet can fly at a height of up to 45 000 ft, though most cruise at 41 000 ft. This is generally higher than an airline flight and allows for a more direct route – out of the most congested area of the sky. A private jet pilot will choose the optimum cruising altitude depending on the distance of the journey.


My 1st day as #MissUniverse has officially begun! Starting it off fresh-faced and

now all dolled up

and by the way at 26 she is one of the oldest winners.....

Don Draper where are you? We miss you..........

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Savanah Loutzenhiser one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places

It was about time Evian came around....new sponsor and I only drink from crystal bottles
and crystal glasses....plastic is not healthy....not Kosher.......

and yes, the Sheikha also subscribes like JG to water in Crystal bottle
and crystal glasses......

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Who said cars are only toys for boys? The It Girls love them too! Stylish from head to toe, they enter the vehicle like a pro. If you still haven’t got that drivers license yet, then maybe this will inspire you to book a lesson? 
And perhaps some day soon we will see the women in the Kingdom as
in KSA being able to drive...........


She loves a bit of lace: Irina Shayk shows off her new underwear in a selfie

The Russian fashionista posted a selfie on Friday, in which she's holding up a pale pink lace bra to her face, with a hint of her cleavage showing in the bottom of the frame.
Looking directly at her camera, Irina's piercing green eyes seemed to be saying more than just a thank you.


After all this time it looks like the Americans might have been right about one thing after all…the Russians are taking over and sparing no victims. Of course though in this instance it is a Russian Fashion Mafia of incredibly stylish and powerful women who are the obsession of so many.


So Chic is in their genes.....

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

I love the color combination....and the Lion(her hair style)....it is 
so Lady Lee..............


and peepy's home alone signature pose is always in style.

a little take on Japan-日本,

Often the Japanese don't think to portray certain aspects of their daily lives in anime or manga because it's too 当たり前 atari-mae (common, ordinary, unexceptional). Once I was blogging about the custom of students standing and bowing to their teacher before starting class, and I realized there were almost no images of this to be found on the Internet, and I realized that this is a part of life that Japanese take for granted and would never think to show visually. Another area is shoes. While taking off shoes and leaving them in the 玄関 genkan, a recessed area near the front door that's considered to be "outside" the house proper, is something everyone does several times a day, it's not something fan-artists on Pivix think to draw very often since it's so mundane. If it weren't for the "girl rushing out the door with a piece of toast in her mouth" meme, it'd be almost impossible to find images of Japanese people putting on their shoes.


Dr. Jorge Krasovsky Santamarina

This Mexican Doctor does a lipo in 4D...I have a model friend(yes all models do
lipo) that went to him and he removed every little gram of fat in her body....

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Sheikha Mozah looked absolutely fabulous in this couture ensemble from JPG in Italy. 
This outfit was much more playful than her usual pant suits from JPG.





JOY is the wild story of a family across four generations centered on the girl who becomes the woman who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, pave the road in this intense emotional and human comedy about becoming a true boss of family and enterprise facing a world of unforgiving commerce. Allies become adversaries and adversaries become allies, both inside and outside the family, as Joy’s inner life and fierce imagination carry her through the storm she faces. Jennifer Lawrence stars, with Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Edgar Ramirez, Isabella Rossellini, Diane Ladd, Virginia Madsen, Elisabeth Röhm and Dascha Polanco. Like David O. Russell’s previous films, Joy defies genre to tell a story of family, loyalty, and love.

I love Bette Davis....she was one of the best actresses ever.......

American actress Bette Davis was born on April 5, 1908, in Lowell, Massachusetts. After a brief theater career, she became one of the biggest stars in the Hollywood studio system, appearing in nearly 100 films before her death in 1989. Davis is still considered an icon for her performances in such films as All Above Eve and Dark Victory, as well as for her larger-than-life persona both on and off the silver screen.

Anna Ewers: 2015 Model of the Year

La Perla The leading creator of luxurious and fashionable lingerie,, it is more chic
and nicer than Victoria's Secret!!!!

Everyone is calling her the next Kate Upton. How do you feel about that?

It’s old photo of Carine Roitfeld in Givenchy necklace, but I still can’t get enough of it. Totally in love with her look

The Givenchy SS16 look on Zendaya is absolute perfection.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

 amidst the jasmine

Holiday Season philosophy 

We are a people of the books 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 

to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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