Shabbat Shalom, friends! שבת שלום!
May you have a peaceful and blessed Shabbat!
wrapping up more gifts for Hanukkah............
Chanukah begins this year on Sunday evening, December 6, 2015, and continues through Monday, December 14, 2015
One day to go! Who’s excited?
Chanukah, oh Hanukkah! Chanukah is almost here
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
España como el resto del mundo esta en crisis financiera.....y recientemente Mariano Rajoy, Primer Ministro de España me consultó para que yo invertiera bonos del Gobierno de su pais.....y como buen judío dije que si....aqui mi hermana ML que
trabaja conmigo- cerrando el acuerdo con Rajoy......gracias....a ver si el proximo
Presidente de Argentina, Mauricio Macri me pide hacer lo mismo por su pais que
lo necesita(sonrisas) and maybe Dilma will call me to help Brasil too(rsrs)
Fabulous two hour walk......
Yesterday I walked down with RG from the Hills(as in Beverly) to Sunset Boulevard on to La Cienega then to Wilshire and back to the Beverly Hills Hotel...where RG even in warmups got lots of attention....and yes, she projects any place..........
Chanel. The pre-fall collection, shown in Rome Tuesday night at the famed Cinecittà film studio No. 5, was “a tour de force of saucy Gallic chic” to quote WWD. Merci, Karl.
C’est comme ça que j’ai rencontré Kazu
Stuart Weitzman sexy shoe campaign
Gigi Hadid, Joan Smalls and Lily Aldridge announce shoes
Modélisation -French for Modelling...

Vito C. Quatela, MD, FACS
For the past 10 years I have admired the facelift results of Vito Quatela, MD whenever I saw his results , in textbooks, and in facial plastic surgical journals. He worked with my Doctor, who I call Michaelangelo, Dr Steven M Hoefflin.....Dr Quatela does a fantastic facelift procedure...And Dr Hoefflin highly recommends him to all who will listen. And by the way, another upcoming Dr who has trained with both Dr Hoefflin and Dr Quaatela is - Sarmela Sunder, MD.....she is on her way of becoming great herself.
Sarmela Sunder, MD
Can you figure this out???? The Year We Decided to Live Forever
as I mentioned on one my postings...a couple of my Brioni jackets that I had the concept of having Hermès scarves sewn on the inside.....
vuoi sapere perché mi piaci?
vuoi mica sapere tutti i perché mi piaci?
for my indian readers and there are so many...look at the world map and you will understand ....and to a special friend in
sexy mallika sherawat hot song
and by the way (Indian Culture)...what is a Desi?
In Hindi, 'Desh' means NationDeshi means belonging to the nation.
Desi is a corruption of the word Deshi.
and More and more business tycoons are going for ‘Trophy Girlfriends’ and splurging insane amounts on them. It is sort of becoming a trend with Desi Tycoons!
Bottom line definition:
Desi is a real native of India and proud of it
So, in a way Desi means belonging to India, of Indian origin, or native of India.
Bottom line definition:
Desi is a real native of India and proud of it
So, in a way Desi means belonging to India, of Indian origin, or native of India.
I got this sms today....and is so nice......
“اشتقت لك”
gummy bear breast implants


Meeting with Donald Trump is like performing in a movie. Flooded with natural light from two sides, his office is lit like a stage set.The star is an aging leading man type whose face is so plastic-perfect that he doesn't seem to have pores. His elaborate hairdo, glowing, swooping, and sprayed into place announce his identity.
merci Louis Vuitton
I love these tools....they transform you and make you look better(smiles)
Millimeters separate the beautiful from the merely attractive
Instead, you see a lot of small procedures done over the long-term, such as nose shavings, hair-line revisions, chin/jaw-line liposuction, chin implants and often upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to open up the eyes.
Bollywood actresses , Indian Models and Indian Beauty Pageant Misses....most of them subscribe to plastic surgery........
Pure Collagen Spray
La técnica del contour está de moda gracias a las Kardashian y a Instagram. Tengo que reconocer que siempre me ha llamado la atención
"I don't have iPhone cases. I'm not irresponsible or poor."
"Eu sei que eu vou te amar..." Para os que amam...e somente na voz única de Gal Costa.
one more time requested from Manama
Gold and Golden Girls.....
أحسن الظن بالناس كأنهم كلهم خير، و اعتمد على نفسك كأنه لا خير في الناس
And if you love beauty and appreciate beauty like I do there is no better place to be than in Las Vegas during the next weeks as the Capital of the World of beauty is here.............
The 81 contestants have arrived at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the next few days, the contestants will go through the Registration and Fitting process. During this process, the contestants are interviewed for the final show, meeting with sponsors, shooting photos with fashion photographers, meeting the other contestants and preparing for the next few weeks in Las Vegas.

been there done that

Courtney Trop one of the 4,000 +followers of the Tidbits



more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places

just wandering if Russian girls should be judged this way???: the ever-mocked Russian sense of style, consisting of EVERYTHING done to the MAX (stilettos+cleavage+mini skirt+loads of jewelry+loads of makeup+loads of hairspray=everything in its place, intensity, LABELS).

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

There's a category of four-syllable (or four kana) words used in Japan that are so loaded with meaning they boggle the mind, and I found they were quite fun to study and use. First is せっかくsekkaku (seh-KAH-koo), which carries the implication of having gone to great trouble to do something for someone only to have them not appreciate your efforts. Another fun word is やっぱり yappari (yah-PAH-ree), which means "just as I thought" or "as I expected" or "Aha! I knew you'd be trying to peek into the girl's bath!"When you learn something that surprises you, you might use the phrase なるほど naruhodo, which can be translated as "wow, I didn't know that" or "I see your point," and in a TV drama, a police inspector might mutter this to themselves as a signal to viewers that he'd found another piece of a puzzle. Finally there's とにかくtonikaku (toh-nee-kah-koo), which just means "at any rate" "regardless of that fact" or just "anyway."


What kind of power are you talking about??? immense power(smiles)
Real or Fake...........
This are real..........

No, you'll probably never be called to testify about the contents of that bikini top. But sometimes, and especially on the beach in the summer, you just can't help but wonder: are they or aren't they?
Borderline: Unless they're sitting in one heck of a push-up bra, natural breasts don't have a defined, 360-degree border around the edges. When looking at the right breast, it should only have a border from about four o'clock to eight o'clock.
Gap: Oversize implants can create a wide, bony gap between breasts. "Many surgeons mistakenly put in bigger implants to mask the gap, and it makes it look worse,"
Fall line: When a woman lies on her back, her natural breasts fall slightly to either side. Very large implants, on the other hand, stick up straight.
Side line: When viewed from the side, natural breasts tend to have more volume in their lower half (you can thank gravity for that). Fake breasts often look as full on top as on the bottom.
Pointers: Most nipples point straight ahead or slightly up—but if an implant is too big, it could make the nipples tip downward.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

I rarely cover couture, but this story in the upcoming WSJ. Magazine is so beautiful it’s worth making an exception. The Tiffany pearl necklace is incredible-
Jo Malone London
cara de pocos amigos....not a very friendly face.....she seems to be saying this:
Cashmere Cable Knit Socks,
Made in Scotland using exquisitely soft, premium quality cashmere with beautiful cable knit detail, these socks are a wonderful treat for yourself, and a great present for someone special. There is simply nothing cosier.
Lembranças Inesquecíveis Pandora
Where the Warsaw Ghetto once stood, Hanukkah candles light the night
Chanukah is coming……
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776