Shavua tov friends! Have an amazing week. Stay safe.
To whom it may concern(smiles)
(ani ohev otach) אני אוהב אותך
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
and the Jewish Princess arriving by private air always looks fashionable no matter
the attire.........
and modestia parte I have been touting Miss Pilipinas , Miss USA and of course Miss Colombia
yes, I have a great eye for beauty.........and I picked all three of them.....
My mistake! Disaster on Miss Universe 2015 as Steve Harvey announces the WRONG winner - and then Miss Colombia has to take off her crown and give it to Miss Philippines on live television
How can we really help Paris? Go there.
Though battered by rough seas, Paris is far from going under. It’s the world’s most visited city for a reason, and its essential appeal remains undimmed. In fact it’s arguably as safe as it’s ever been, thanks to unprecedented efforts to restore a sense of security — and it’s cheaper than ever at the moment, because many would-be travelers are still in a state of shock. Don’t be one of them. .
gracias a mi amiga Argentina intelectual - la bella Patricia por esta mencion:
las mujeres de ahora no tienen este estilo ..y Lauren Bacall era
este chic, "tan especial y unico"..Lauren Bacall.
Dr Kate keeps a penthouse apartment, just for her handbags.Kongkwan "Kate" Fujitniran, a dermatologist who owns nine clinics, is often referred as a "hi-so doctor", but people also like to call her "the Hermès doctor". That's right - she's crazy about the posh French handbags.
What is it about a French party that brings absolutely everybody onto the dance floor?
There are many explanations - the joie de vivre, the champagne, but whatever it is it is.....
is perfect, non?
Picolé de melancia? Sim

l-e-t-s cheer just murmered: Question - how does one get onto your exclusive list of favorites in your blog?
OMG I am so so so sorry! If anyone is on there it should be you < - I just added you darling
Mugdha Godse.....many models when their breasts look bigger say some ridiculous things - like, I have been drinking lots of milk or - they just got bigger because of nature when in reality they got Mugdha readily admits to breasts implants.....more power to her.....
if you are into investing this is a must see.....
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything.
Red capes, structured dungarees, lace panelling and 50’s frocks that poof out like confectionary… Miroslava Duma may be petite but her sartorial choices make a big statement. This Russian Doll has taken the fashion world by storm, with each of her street style images inspiring a ripple of admiration across the cyber world.
two messages I received today.....see what you think....
I just want perfect skin and hair and teeth and body proportions
and endless supplies of money and intelligence is that too much
to ask.???? really?????
A French girl that is dear to me wrote me the following...
“En fin de compte, tout le monde se fiche que nos dessous soient plus fonctionnels que sexy. On le sait tous : les mecs se foutent de la lingerie qu’on porte. Ils nous aiment toutes nues !!”
.if I translate to English
it might lose its meaning....however I do not agree(smiles)
India & Israel - forging a long and lasting friendship!
Liberalism, Socialism and political correctness is ruining the world...
So I love this, go Donald J Trump........liberals and socialists love to manufacture crisis and spend taxpayers money....they never spend any money or their own....they get rich of us taxpayers..............and yes, Global Warming is a hoax
Wake up America......Wake up World
and yes new sponsor....Thanks.....
Myriam Fares The Best!
gummy bear breast implants

and if you follow this blog you know that I love Fred Astaire,,,,and in this movie
he stars with Eleanor Powell(one of the most beautiful legs ever)......
Broadway Melody of 1940 Official Trailer #1 - Fred Astaire Movie (1940) HD
So everyone knows that Gabrielle Chanel purported the whole "A woman shouldn't smell like flowers, she should smell like a woman" thing to sell/describe Chanel No 5. Okay.
I think that Chanel 31 is the No 5 for the 21st century. Truthfully the whole perfume is so well blended and so stylized that it's hard to exactly tell what I'm smelling, but to me it smells like class and a million bucks. And it just SMELLS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

"Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?"
Beverly Hills is the home of beautiful people leading fabulous lives. It doesn't matter if you're a Los Angeles native or visiting Southern California, everyone knows that Beverly Hills is home to the best plastic surgeons in the world.
In Beverly Hills, plastic surgeons have been helping the rich and famous to defy time for years but few better than Dr. Francis R. Palmer III. He was voted one of "The World's Best" plastic and cosmetic surgeons, he is an artist, author and creator of the "The Palmer Code™".
Poetry in Motion
I find it fascinating that people once regularly practiced memorizing lengthy prose and (according to movies at least) could spout out a sonnet for any occasion. In a world where people's brains now ceases to store phone numbers thanks to the iPhone, it seems a good goal to at least have one ode to something knocking about in the ol’ gray matter. Fortunately I can quote
is one of my favorite ones.......
She Walks in Beauty
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”
been there done that
no thigh gap

Chiharu Okunugi one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

“Ladies are not born, they are made” This particular quote has been haunting me as of late, and when I think of modern day ladies, Ulyana Sergeenko is the first one to pop into my mind. I have never met Ulyana, but I’m often left with an impression that she is today’s example of a modern lady. With her reputation for being Fashion Royalty, (mind you the Russian couturier has been called ‘The Red Queen’) the title can’t only be accredited to her eye for the elaborate, or theatrical sense of style. It’s both her elegance, and poise that resonates with the photographers’ cameras. And as I may be envious of her always expanding wardrobe, I admire the way she carries herself more. Perhaps she could be my inspiration while I attempt lessons in perfecting the art of being a modern lady.

very cozy
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Who doesn’t love a uniform?! I like the Japanese tradition of all wearing uniforms in the
schools- whether public or private!! and the Jap girls, wear them well!!
One aspect of Japanese people is the tendency for them to shrug off difficult decisions
or challenges by saying "Shikata ga nai," which means "It's can't be helped."
(A more colloquial version of this is "Sho ga nai.") From national economic policy
to the problem of men groping women on crowded trains to complaining about the
price of lettuce this week, Japanese seem to be uniquely able to throw up their hands
and say in effect, oh well, there's no way to solve that problem so I won't do anything
about it.

The modern world is so anti-beauty that anyone who searches for beauty and emulates is regarded as some kind of anomaly....but I do not care, that is why I post beauty and plastic surgery options
A facelift, technically known as a rhytidectomy (literally, surgical removal of wrinkles), is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure used to give a more youthful appearance. It usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the redraping of the skin on the patient's face and neck.

there is a new approach – a technique called lipomodelling, which restructures the face from within, tackling deeper tissues.
Lipomodelling involves the removal of fat from another part of the body, such as around the hips.
The fat is refined – separating it from liquid or oil from ruptured fat cells.
A cannula about 1mm in diameter then deposits tiny particles in tunnels within the tissue, creating layers of new tissue.
These have to take as a graft within the face – establishing circulation from around the tissue to become a viable part of the structure of the face.
They don’t dissipate or move so there is less need for repeat procedures. It looks and feels totally natural
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden


Sic in square brackets is an editing term used with quotations or excerpts. It means “that’s really how it appears in the original.”
It is used to point out a grammatical error, misspelling, misstatement of fact, or, as above, the unconventional spelling of a name.
It is used to point out a grammatical error, misspelling, misstatement of fact, or, as above, the unconventional spelling of a name.

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- Looking at books
Give a girl the right pair of shoes . . . And she can conquer the world!
1. Private Is Better Than Commercial

2. Shop With No One Else In The Store

This Grammy-Award Winning Israeli Violinist Just Turned Into A Pop Song A Musical Masterpiece
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775