Prime Minister Netanyahu lights the second candle of Chanukah
הדלקת נר שני הערב, חנוכה שמח!2 and candle tonight, Happy Hanukkah!
Boker Tov
I love Hanukkah but is going by too fast(smiles)
Happiness is a blessing 😀 be happy!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I will be posting lots of Hanukkah pics and references at is one of my favorite holidays...
and lots of pics from the Miss Universe 2015 happenings as I love this contest....and I
love beauty...yes, beauty with substance and some of these girls do have it(smiles)
"A woman's dress should be a like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view.
Ton opinion à propos de Kendall Jenner?
Complètement indifférente.
take a page out of Carine Roitfeld’s book and wear tights with sandals. The patterned tights in the Chanel pre-fall show should in any womam's wish list.
And Daphne like JG totally subscribes to the fit or fat routine of long walks...after being dropped by most fashion house for her weight gain she went to the fit and fat
and here is the result...and she did tell me, dank je wel.
Chelating.... Removing poisons from my body....
It is a good thing... We all have poisonous metals and chemicals that need to come out of your body as they destroy our organs slowly but surely... I want to keep being healthy, I am preventing cancer or Alzheimer. You should all learn about it. Test yourself and if you are toxic then chelate! A long healthy and happy life is the ultimate goal isn't it?
“I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my Soul return'd to me,
And answer'd: 'I Myself am Heav'n and Hell”
watch "The Picture of Dorian Gray" to understand this quote

Quality over Quantity How do translate that into French? :) Sorry for bugging you. I don't trust Google translation.
La qualité prime sur la quantité. La qualité est plus importante que la quantité, etc.
canción tan hermosa poética y romántica
gummy bear breast implants

The power of good living and plastic surgery....she looks better now
and I have mentioned that in certain elements of our society plastic surgery is consiered
a matter of pride and not ashamed to show it in public..........
It's very different being a beauty queen to being a model. A model is selling what they're wearing, a beauty queen is selling herself. It can get very personal
Lennon–McCartney (also written Lennon/McCartney and occasionally known as McCartney–Lennon) was the rock music songwriting partnership between English musicians John Lennon (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) and Paul McCartney (born 18 June 1942) of the Beatles. It is one of the best known and most successful musical collaborations in history
The Ohio Express - Beg, Borrow and Steal
i wonder what it was like to live in this time period??? look at the clothes, the hair styles...the dancing....
In poverty she is envious. In riches she may be a snob. Money does not change the sickness, only the symptoms
Whoever said that the Birkin is on a waiting list??????????? no is not

it is a pretty convenient way to take in life! Especially if you are broke and too lazy to sort out your financial future.
I mean really, It is such an easy road to take, and you do not even need to look like a model in order to succeed. You just do your homework, prep yourself and start hunting down every millionaire you cross path with.
At least the trophy wives are not broke.
They might be miserable, but it is easily fixed with a little bit of retail therapy. (hey, it is not called that for nothing, why do you think all these women shop like maniacs? Shopaholic does have a deeper psychological meaning to it rather than what people call it “fashionista”)
Sure it glimmers and it looks absolutely fabulous – in some cultures it is even classified as the absolute peak of your life if you manage to marry rich! Hooray!
But I know what I am truly obsessed about in life, and that weighs more than money:
Freedom to do whatever I want in life.
I know that there is no freedom if you marry rich. It sure may seem like it because you do not need to wake up to some shitty job each morning.
But you are still tied in chains to someones wallet.
You are never free enough to say NO, I am breaking up with you – to the guy who is paying for your lifestyle.
How will you feel going back to the lifestyle you originally came from?
Will it be worth giving up that luxury lifestyle?
Tell me?

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Jen Selter one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
“chignon” - it would be difficult to find a chignon much better than this one...oh la la.....

Women in Russia will always wear fur
Russian style furs, black furs, brown furs, real furs

Candidly Ulyana Sergeenko

She looks so regal

Claire Courtin wearing the Ambassador T-shirt
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

What color is the sun? You might answer that it's yellow, or orange, or white. However, when asked this question most Japanese are likely to answer "red," perhaps because of the red circle on the Japanese flag, called 日の丸 hi-no-maru or circle-of-the-sun. It's interesting to look at other ways the color red has special cultural meaning to the Japanese. Babies are thought to be red-colored when they pop out of their mothers, and 赤ちゃん aka-chan is the most common way to refer to a baby in Japanese. In lieu of signing their names with a pen Japanese use a kanji "name stamp" called a hanko which uses red ink, though it's very bad form to write someone's name with a red pen, as it' s thought they'll die if you do that. Red is the primary color you'll see when you visit a Shinto shrine, including the red Daruma dolls and torii arches, and lovers are said to be connected by an 運命の赤い糸 unmei no akai ito or Red String of Fate.
米 (こめ) rice
raw rice

Photo facial is a generic term for a skin treatment that uses some kind of light-based technology. Photo facials (sometimes called foto facials) have a number of different uses, but are mostly used for treating brown spots, broken capillaries, and boosting collagen
The two main types of technology used for photo facials are LED (light-emitting diode) and IPL (intense-pulsed light).and the IPL is the best option
If it needs lifting, tucking, smoothing, sucking out or puffing up, Toby Mayer’s number is the one that all Tinseltown calls. From his office, a mere diamond bracelet’s toss from Harry Winston in Beverly Hills (and yes, the area code really is 90210), Mayer ministers to the needs of the rich and determinedly un-wrinkled. He chisels noses, whittles chins, and sculpts cheekbones so subtly, you can’t tell it’s been done. Thighs are smoothed, stomachs flattened eye bags made to disappear and, most importantly, egos boosted by the work of Mayer’s miracle scalpel.
Toby G Mayer, MD - Beverly Hills, CA

And Dr Mayer together with Dr Richard Fleming have perfected the winningly namedFleming/Mayer Flap, the most radical treatment for male pattern baldness currently in existence and a procedure that is guaranteed to give bald men a full head of thick, lustrous, healthy hair.

Plastic Surgery Checklist
Face, Nose Reshaping, Eyelid Surgery, Skin, Botox, Dermal Fillers, Chemical Peel, Microdermabrasion, Body, Breast Augmentation, Liposuction

Before After
When injectables took over the world in the early aughts, having facial wrinkles became more of a choice than an inevitability. But at the same time, armies of women of a certain age started to look like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned


Many ask me what is the difference between Miss World and Miss Universe.
Miss World is a beauty pageant where girls are younger (17~ 23 of age) and have a natural aura. They must:
look fresh (no surgeries).
be very elegant and outspoken.
be very involved in charity back home. It is a must because all their work as Miss World will be attending charity events around the world for a year.
look fresh (no surgeries).
be very elegant and outspoken.
be very involved in charity back home. It is a must because all their work as Miss World will be attending charity events around the world for a year.
Miss Universe is more focused on sexiness. Delegates must have a huge personality, be outstanding, louder, they are pre-judged in a bikini standing in front of a panel of judges inside a closed-room and later on on stage twice.
The bikini portion at Miss World has been removed as the work as Miss World is based on intelligence and compassion and not on body appearance.
But facial beauty is VERY important at Miss World, as the winners each year have a barbie doll face with a very gentle personality.
Miss República Dominicana / Miss Aruba / Miss Uruguay
Clarissa Molina
República Dominicana
Edad: 24
Estatura: 5’9”
República Dominicana
Edad: 24
Estatura: 5’9”
Alysha Boekhoudt
Edad: 21
Estatura: 5’8”
Edad: 21
Estatura: 5’8”
Bianca Sánchez
Edad: 18
Estatura: 5’10”
Edad: 18
Estatura: 5’10”
Une raison de plus d’adorer Dior.(Comme si on n’en avait pas assez comme ça ?)
Global warming......climate change a big lie to make you pay and pay....liberals....liberals
After taking a private jet to COP21 (on taxpayers’ dime), John Kerry mocks doubters as uneducated and ‘insane’
Hypocritical, smug, condescending, egotistical, and arrogant are annoying qualities, but John Kerry manages to juggle them all with a skill that puts Anthony Gatto to shame...
Believe in your Instincts: Is That A Female Thing?
Do you believe in your instincts?
Hedi Slimane photographed Helena Severin in a Saint Laurent Le Smoking jacket and slip dress—the brand’s essentials are the focus of the new campaign for it’s permanent collection.
Rafael Correa sigues tu....fuera a las dictaturas y a los megalomanos

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Wrong House!
On a serious note, which is it: #Chanukah, #Channukah, #Chanukkah, #Hanukah,#Hannukah, #Hanukkah,
From El Al, Hanukkah greetings
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
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otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776