
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 39

a special view from North Beverly Park

It is so special on Hanukkah to be able to have this view of the Platinum triangle and
all of Los Angeles in the distance.....not too many things more special than this.

Shelo yihbe neiro l’olam v’ed ~ the light will burn forever

5th NIGHT: Happy Hanukkah 

שבת שלום! חודש טוב! חג אורים שמח!

Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach ...what a magical time of the year!!!!

שבת שלום חברים יקרים

Shabbat Shalom! 
Wishing everyone a great weekend too. 
“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom 

Per dirtelo ancora per dirti che
Più bella cosa non c'è
Più bella cosa di te
Unica come sei
Immensa quando vuoi
Grazie di esistere

Ramazzotti Eros


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Catwalk Queen y regia... Miss Colombia

All the black girlsl were flawless! Alessandra and Adriana are the queens
The Victoria’s Secret angels strutted the runway for the lingerie brand’s 20th anniversary show on Nov. 10. However, it aired on CBS at 10 pm EST on Tuesday night. The expected viewership of the show is over 500 million in 192 countries.

Never-before-seen photos of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

There's nothing innocent about these Angels...

50 millones de dólares sobre la pasarela de Victoria's Secret

I love this picture of Anna Ewers by Alasdair Mclellan for British Vogue‘s January issue– it makes me smile.

GO PIA !!!! 
I cannot wait to see your gorgeous gown at the Preliminary Show. Sending you good vibes girl

Uniqlo, el 'Zara japonés'

Candice Swanepoel - Happy Christmas

  • "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" by Brenda Lee

I always loved Warhol 

Part of the reason Chanel is #1 is exclusivity. Like fellow French brand Hermès, Chanel does not hold sales in their boutiques nor even sell its merch (aside from beauty products) online.  “In that sense, it creates a perception of purity,”
 "I don't do fashion," the maison's founder, Coco Chanel, liked to say. "I am fashion!"

diamonds: ColorClarityCut, and Carat Weight. Today, the 4Cs of Diamond Quality is the universal method for assessing the quality of any diamond, anywhere in the world.
and this is all the 4Cs...and you will not find this in any other blog...


This is a phase some women go through – the barbie doll look. 
And some requirements to acquite the look........
She should have big long hair (fill it up with extensions),
loads of make up (especially going strong with eye shadow giving you mysterious cat eyes),
as much lips as possible (lipgloss, lipstick, who cares!),
long fake nails  (acrylics)
tight short dresses that show off those curves and cleavage
and not to forget – a pair of very high heels (platform included) that screams “come and................


Aesthetic Facial Rejuvenation

Mirror, Mirror...How Can a Small Shadow Make a Big Difference?
When you look in the mirror who do you see? As we age, our faces undergo many unwanted changes; over time we loose contour, volume, and develop shadows.  Beauty is a function of our perception of lines, geometry, symmetry, and youth. As the signs of aging begin to show, injectables offers many ways to improve things like, sagging skin caused by loss of volume, wrinkles, sun damage, and shadows that result in your face looking tired and drained. By taking advantage of the right injectables there is no reason why you cannot look considerably younger throughout your entire life.


She should retire......

There hardly needs to be an introduction for Vogue US Editor Anna Wintour. She’s even been portrayed as the “Devil” in the fiction film The Devil Wears Prada and she’s nicknamed the ‘Ice Queen’. I think if Mubarak can give up his post as president of Egypt for the last hundred years, so should she. Plus she’s not even American!

Toño no necesitas Gramys ni nada de esos premios burocráticos, sos el merenguero No. 1 para todos quienes degustamos del merengue Alllegggrrrrriiiaaaa.

gummy bear breast implants


Measured from the lip up, the optimum angle of rotation at the nasal tip should be 106 degrees to enhance a woman’s looks

Nothing beautiful asks for attention......

One day, RG and I were talking about some of the crazy and surprising things we’ve been noticing recently in the beauty industry. Something that’s been pretty striking is the increasing popularity of plastic surgery in Asia, and even the Asian community here in the US.

I wash my face with diamonds each morning(smiles) 

Quando nell'oggetto della mail ti scrivono URGENTE, proprio in maiuscolo, eh

Breast Implants do not bounce this way(smiles)............

Diamonds may or may not be forever. Love, sadly, doesn't always last. But the allure of thick, lustrous, full, and , for want of a better word, big hair is truly eternal.Anthropologists will tell you that on some primeval level it broadcasts the youth, fertility and of course, sexiness of its fortunate owner: ( why else would men in certain parts of the world force women to keep it hidden?)

Falling in love with all things French came easily to me.as having a Paris born father can instill some of those feelings......and I do not dream much but sometimes I dream in French.

"Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. 

Those Bollywood girls are nice and cute and sexy.

"Loneliness is dangerous. It’s addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is, you don’t wanna deal with people."

Every woman has a beautiful, confident, sexy persona hidden inside, to certain beauty queen the most important attributes are Poise confidence and elegance. Beauty contests are not just some sort of physical competitions. Instead, it is a battle where dozens of women are judged based on their physical, emotional, social, mental and analytical skills. It takes hard work, sacrifice, determination and discipline to balance all the skills needed to win, while still looking exceptionally dazzling.

Take me to Rome....I love my new Gucci horsebit loafers.......ITALIA!ITALIA

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Sharam Diniz one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places

The Louis Vuitton Eyeline Pumps are all dressed up and ready for a new show, making ladies from all over the world daydream about spring already. The French luxury fashion house has beautifully decorated its renowned pumps with eye catching spring colors and materials, offering a lot of gorgeous options to choose from.
The new versions of the trendy pointed toe pump have been designed to make fashionistas stand out from any crowd next spring, with a leopard print silk version and a python model being the most awesome for us. The signature feature of the Eyeline pumps, that discreet golden rounded back heel plaque, is obviously present in these chic pumps as well.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

In 1890 in Russia, Vasily Petrovich Zvyozdochkin, a wood carver, and Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, a painter, came up with the very first matryoshka, a set of nesting dolls in colorful folk dress designed to start tiny and end up big. Spend a few hours in the company of 28-year-old Miroslava Duma—or Mira, as her 200,000-plus Instagram followers know her (around 120,000 more, incidentally, than those following Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin)—and it’s easy to feel you’ve encountered a latter-day, living matryoshka.

Virginie, in Mugler and Claire Courtin Clarins in Mugler Fashion Starters

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

  "A child who can do 挨拶 aisatsu properly will not stray as he goes through life." On its surface aisatsu just means "greeting," such as saying good morning to people you meet every day, though as with many aspects of Japan, things get a little more complex. Because the junior member of a relationship (the 後輩kohai, if in a school or company setting) is supposed to greet the higher-ranking member (先輩 senpai, or bosses/managers) first, this greeting effectively reinforces the relationship and allows the junior group member to show respect to the senior member. Another application of aisatsu is something like "official greetings after a happy event," and every New Years Day the Japanese get into the car and visit with various family members.


Miranda Kerr plastic surgery before and after photos then we will realize that there is a huge difference between her before nose. Miranda nose after her rhinoplasty becomes skinny and slim, her hose bridge becomes straighter and her nasals become narrower. All these things are making her nose perfect and suitable with her face. By comparing her bellow giving nose pictures you will be clear that Miranda nose job result is very perfect and beautiful. 

Beside has nose job surgery Miranda has also done a perfect breasts implants to enhance the size of her breasts and you can see in her down giving before and after breast implants pictures that she brings outstanding result as her boobs becomes improved and enhanced. Now her dress is looking more prominent and comfortable. This is all Miranda Kerr Brest Implants plastic surgery before and after effects. Compare this image and examine this thing.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Past summer, Sheikha Mozah was spotted in Switzerland looking beautiful in casual clothes. Simple and elegant

Beautiful Sheikha Mozah in light blue couture dress from Dior.






Come quando riesci a percepire la tua anima al punto di riuscire a sfiorarla.

Come quando partiresti. Ora. Fosse anche solo per andare a cenare in riva al mare.


Imagine overhearing the love of your life comparing you to another hotter chick. Now imagine him telling his friend that although he finds you cute and sweet, the hot chick has a prettier face than yours. Would you flip out, brush it off and move on or dwell and spiral into self-destruction?

Le Corset!!!!

Whether they have designed clothes, written poetry, composed operas, built public squares, painted for popes, hewn marble, or sailed the fathomless seas, many Italians of genius have placed a premium on achieving an appearance of effortless mastery, or sprezzatura, that is attained only by costly, concentrated effort and unremitting labor. 'In the end,' says Giorgio Armani, 'the most difficult thing to do is the simplest thing.'"
Sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or saidappear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."

does her mouth not close at all?
I went back through her tFS thread and not in a single image of her is found with her mouth closed. YSL? Open. T Magazine? Open. Love's new editorial? Open. NEXT's show cards

Tomas Maier designs some of the best dresses and the ones in his pre-fall collection for Bottega Veneta are no exception. I love the mixed prints.

Check out Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015 TV Commercial

the "King of Cool"

DINO - Dean Martin (born Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7 -1917 – December 25, 1995)   one of the few people that Frank Sinatra admired and respected....he was a great actor and singer.....suave, elegant...very Italian as he was born in Italy and brought to America in early life.

And in his television show- Mad Men......Don Draper is Mr Cool......

brightening up

SPOTTED AT DUNKIN DONUTS: Cuz sufganiyot are not just jelly donuts.

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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