Rodeo’s main retail area is bounded by North Cañon Drive, Wilshire Boulevard, and Santa Monica Boulevard South—is known as the Golden Triangle. Rodeo Drive, which slices north and south through this gilded gateway, is LA’s answer to London’s Bond Street, Rome’s Via Condotti, and Paris’s Rue du Faubourg-St-Honoré. From Armani to Versace, Cartier to Tiffany, Chanel to Hermès, every top fashion name is represented in this high-rent retail district and along the blocks of Wilshire Boulevard.
And for those who celebrate is a shoutout to you......
Hope you will have a fantastic time during these festive days.
and a very Furba friend sent me this...she really has a sense of humor
שבת שלום חברים יקרים
Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful weekend everyone.
"“—I conversed with you in a dream”"
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Today I was driven here for my daily walk and had an incredible walk to the top of the
Hollywood sign....what an exhilirating walk and I highly recommended......
FEEL FREE & ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST .....Lady Lee and Peepy......amazing
not only for the luxury items they have in abundance....but because they really enjoy
having'd be surprised how miserable many of the it girls or it hedge funds guys are .....and yes when it comes to misery it includes you liberal Hollywood people....

and I do not get impressed easily but this is impressive all the loot they possess.....
Just wandering if Peepy started the trend of big big Teddy Bears?
The Pilipinos are noble people, caring , hard working and I love how they love life despite
dire elements in their this is nice of Pia to send this wishes......
Join the Louboutin club...the password......... red soles........
These Miu Miu glittered sandals would look great in an elegant setting
WOW you have to be very sharp....very smart to figure out the lyrics of this song....
it is brilliant.....just in case you cannot here are the lyrics.....
Girl Crush
I got a girl crush, hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush, ain’t slowin’ down
I got it real bad, want everything she has
That smile and the midnight laugh she’s givin’ you now
I got a heart rush, ain’t slowin’ down
I got it real bad, want everything she has
That smile and the midnight laugh she’s givin’ you now
I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like youI wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch
Yeah, ‘cause maybe then you’d want me just as much
I got a girl crush, I got a girl crush
I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch
Yeah, ‘cause maybe then you’d want me just as much
I got a girl crush, I got a girl crush
I don’t get no sleep, I don’t get no peace
Thinkin’ about her under your bed sheets
The way that she’s whisperin’, the way that she’s pullin’ you in
Lord knows I’ve tried, I can’t get her off my mind
Thinkin’ about her under your bed sheets
The way that she’s whisperin’, the way that she’s pullin’ you in
Lord knows I’ve tried, I can’t get her off my mind
I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you
I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want…
I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want…
and yes models do eat....and Wixson loves to eat(smiles)
a once in a lifetime must.......
The Nutcracker has been staged in New York every year since 1954, so to say it is a time honored tradition, well, is perhaps a bit obvious. You cannot deny that George Balanchine’s production of Tschaikovsky’s ballet is not only magical, but something not to be missed in a lifetime. And so, with the holiday fast approaching, we thought we’d once more visit the New York City Ballet (all 90 dancers of the company, plus the 62 musicians, 32 stagehands and two casts of 50 students from the School of American Ballet!! as they embark on a month long journey performing a ballet that’s captivated audiences for years…
must have
Louis Vuitton
Minaudière Petite Malle en cuir et plexiglas, prix sur demande
If you celebrate Christmas this if for you ................
gummy bear breast implants


Uno de mis cantantes favoritos....y una de mis melodias favoritas....
Zion en concierto en el Choliseo de San Juan, Puerto Rico......
y para que vean lo fabulosa que es mi memoria......KC me dijo esto el 2005!!!
" me gusta la parte que dice "haremos sexo con ropa"
y los backup singers y las bailarinas muy bien.....eso que ni que.....
anything with an I sends me..........(phone, pad,cloud, tv, Mac)
a girl with white gloves sends me....
Girls never stop playing dress up.
Last night in front of the most beautiful the most elegant room.....with incredible a Bang&Oluffsen giant screen I watched one of my favorite movies for the umpteenth time
two of my favorite scenes of the movie..........
Breast Augmentation
She did TUBA

I am always railing against liberals and politicians....and here is a point.....insider trading on the stock market is an illegal practice punished by jail time.....yet till they were found out Congressman and Senators in Washington had passed a law that for themselves it was not illegal? of course...and yet I have a dear friend....a very wealthy one that was given a ten year probation sentence where he had to give up his money
and teach Spanish and coach sports for doing the same thing they were allowed to do.....very sad in the world we live in........the moral of the story this guy was a JEW and had moved all his money and assests out of this country......
Of course all his advisers are JEWS....that is why
On a black day for the world’s billionaires, where 400 of the world’s richest people had $124 billion wiped off their collective fortunes, Saudi Prince Alwaleed escaped unscathed according to the latest figures. the self-made billionaire has grown his wealth by $1.4 billion (5.3 percent) so far this year and even increased his fortune by $81.9 million in the last 24 hours. And yes, he is blessed to have Goldman Sachs in his corner(smiles
And this is one of the Hanukkah gifts I received from a Russian friend.....and she payed with her own money(smiles) yes, a Louis Vuitton sable fur jacket.....
If you follow this blog you know that Wixson is one of the few that get mentioned quite often here.....if you see her in the morning sans maquillage she does not look great but once she steps up on the ramp or on editorials she becomes great...another person
It's all about the attitude. "All the time, you see people wearing the most expensive labels in the world, and everything is on top of each other, but at the end of the day, what is the difference between the woman who looks good and the woman who doesn't? It's not how much she's buying, it's not how expensive it is, but how confident she feels when wearing that piece. That is what makes the difference and that is what you can see in her eyes.
Aesthetic Facial Rejuvenation
Mirror, Mirror...How Can a Small Shadow Make a Big Difference?
When you look in the mirror who do you see? As we age, our faces undergo many unwanted changes; over time we loose contour, volume, and develop shadows. Beauty is a function of our perception of lines, geometry, symmetry, and youth. As the signs of aging begin to show, injectables offers many ways to improve things like, sagging skin caused by loss of volume, wrinkles, sun damage, and shadows that result in your face looking tired and drained. By taking advantage of the right injectables there is no reason why you cannot look considerably younger throughout your entire life.
Levanta a mão quem nunca foi ao salão e pediu por ondas bem largas, polidas e com muito movimento iguais as das angels da Victoria’s Secret (ou da ex angel Gisele Bündchen)

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Úrsula Corberó one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
Handmade, very delicate lace. So beautiful for any piece of clothing, but more popular with lingerie of course.
I guess there is lace, and then there is very expensive and carefully crafted lace which makes women feel like a walking piece of luxury when wearing it. Ahhhh…. LOVE IT!
Miss Universe 2015 and Miss World 2015
Philippines And Spain

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"COOPER" vs "HAC" Peepy Love Both!!! "It Is Not A Bag , It Is A COOPER & HAC" ....... [Hermès Haut à Courroies (Birkin) Travel Bag & Ralph Lauren Cooper (Ricky) Weekender Bag

Peepy loves teddy bears....colorful ones at that.......

a little take on Japan-日本,

(Fun fact: 六本木 Roppingi means "six trees.") Foreigners are likely to use this word when counting chopsticks, since they're the right shape, but the counter for a pair of chopsticks is actually 善 zen, a word which Japanese themselves are often too lazy to use. Being a foreigner(Gaijin), I always go out of my way to use the correct counting word, saying something like お箸、一膳もらえますか?o-hashi, ichi-zen moraemasu ka? ("could I have a pair of chopsticks?"), mainly because Japanese don't expect gaijin to get this word right and I like to surprise them.


Dr Georges Roman
The words “magician” and “artist” started to circulate among his clients, now coming from all corners of the world. His long list of regular clients includes celebrities, Royalty, captains of industry and even politicians. Some of his clients actually fly him to where they are to be treated by him in complete privacy.

Recommended: Netflix's Japanese Show 'Atelier' (AKA Underwear)
If you're looking for a charming fashion related show to binge watch this holiday weekend, and don't mind subtitles, then I would recommend Atelier by Netflix. It was originally made for the Japanese market, but recently released to US audience. The show focuses on the lingerie business, about an Anna Wintour look-alike high-end made-to-order lingerie designer, and a young textile graduate who joins the Atelier. You can get a feel for it in the Japanese trailer below
A favorite of Carine Roitfeld and Steven Klein, the younger Hadid is going commercial…
This girl is a looks wizard
l'amitié, which means "friendship" in English.
One more thing: If you're writing a letter in French, you can sign it amitiés, which roughly translates to "your friend" or "best wishes." But I prefer bisous!

️️ FRIENDS!!!!! , It Is Not Where You Go??? Or What You Do??? , BUT It Is Who Is Beside You That Counts. FOREVER!!!!!
Charlotte Rampling And Penelope Cruz: Dark Versus Nude Lips
Charlotte Rampling and Penelope Cruz, two stunning women who wear my favourite lip look well.
Light eyes and dark lips; dark eyes and nude lips.
Miami’s Style Evolution. Without a doubt, we’re all grown-up…and sexy
in Brasil (namorado/a means boyfriend/girlfriend in Portuguese).
Reprise: Victoria’s Secret Best Moments
Hamat Gader
Hamat Gader is a series of hot mineral springs located in the Yarmouk River valley on the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee bordering Jordan. The hot springs’ temperatures range from 80 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and the sulfuric content of the water provides a therapeutic and healing effect on the body.The springs were discovered two thousand years ago by the Romans who used the hot springs for recreational purposes. In addition to the Roman spa complex and several other architectural wonders (including a theater that sat 2,000 people), Hamat Gader is home to an ancient synagogue containing a fully intact mosaic dating back to the 5th century.
Look - Trendy
Miss Israel Avigail Alfatov did not win the Miss Universe crown but she won my affection.....
But despite losing the ultimate title, our 19-year-old beauty queen and IDF air force soldier seemed to be having a blast in Las Vegas last week.
Now & Then The Philippines stand with Israel....Thank you!
If you live in Los Angeles let me recommend you the following:
Favorite People Watching Spot: This may sound strange, but I love watching Hasidic Jews walk the streets, especially on La Brea. They tend to walk every Saturday in groups and I love the way they wear all black and dress in uniform fashion. It's interesting and inspiring to watch them when they travel in unity.As you know I love sleek black fashion and I think Hasidic Jewish men surprisingly fit in this category. Probably the best spot in Los Angeles to see noir chic on the streets.
Challah time...............
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775